2016 Global Poker League Week 9

London Royals vs. Berlin Bears
Day: 1

Bonomo Hits, Nitsche Crippled

In the 500/1,000-level the stacks were still fairly even. Dominik Nitsche raised to 2,500 with his {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades}. Justin Bonomo put in a three-bet to 7,500 while holding {Q-Spades}{K-Hearts}.

Nitsche tanked for a few seconds and decided this was the hand and shoved for 58,000. Bonomo weighed his options and made the call, putting himself at risk.

The {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}-flop was safe for Nitsche, but the {Q-Clubs} on the turn gave Bonomo a higher pair. The river was the {3-Diamonds} and Bonomo took a commanding lead in this second heat.

Player Chips Progress
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
WSOP 4X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Dominik NitscheJustin Bonomo

Bonomo Wins Heat One in Four Hands

It took just four hands to end the first heat of this heads-up battle.

Justin Bonomo put in a three-bet preflop with {A-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} and Dominik Nitsche made the call, holding {8-Spades}{K-Hearts}.

Nitsche called the continuation bet from Bonomo on the {4-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{10-Clubs}-flop.

Bonomo checked when the {9-Hearts} fell on the turn. Nitsche fired out 8,000 in a 15,480-pot. Bonomo called.

The river was the {9-Clubs} and Bonomo already announced to the viewers he wasn't going to fold.

Nitsche indeed pushed all-in and Bonomo picked of his bluff and scored the first three points of this match.

Nitsche recapped the match for us in one sentence: "And that's game one, oops."

Player Chips Progress
Justin Bonomo us
Justin Bonomo
WSOP 3X Winner
Run It Once
Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
WSOP 4X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Justin BonomoDominik Nitsche

Bonomo Knows How to Sweep

Justin Bonomo
Justin Bonomo

Justin Bonomo is quite familiar with the heads-up matches in the Global Poker League. So far he played three of them and scored some mixed results.

His second match against Randy Lew gave him a perfect score of nine points. Against Timothy Adams he won two of the three heats, but his battle against Thiago Nishijima didn't work out so well. This time Bonomo got swiped away by his opponent and was left empty handed.

Tags: Justin Bonomo

Berlin Bears Need Some Wins

The final match of the day is approaching. In a few moments, Justin Bonomo and Dominik Nitsche will battle it out on the virtual felt.

Nitsche needs to score some points for the Berlin Bears to keep their playoff hopes alive. The Bears are currently in sixth and last place in the Eurasia conference. After Timothy Adams' clean sweep earlier today, they are now ten points behind the Rome Emperors.

So even with three victories, Nitsche won't be able to help his team catch up with the Emperors or one of the other teams. But if he manages to score nine points, they will be just four points behinds the London Royals, who are currently in second.

Nitsche didn't do very well so far in heads-up matches in this Global Poker League. He played this format twice and one heat in both of these matches against Vladimir Troyanovskiy and Scott Ball.

Yesterday, Nitsche performed well in the 6-max tournaments. He won the first heat of the day.

London Royals vs. Berlin Bears

Day 1 Started