2008 PokerStars.net EPT - Copenhagen
PokerStars EPT Copenhagen Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info



The river was the

Andersson raised to 35,000 and Simon Dorslund made the call. The flop was

1 $ 1,236,095
2 $ 699,724
3 $ 406,427
4 $ 310,119
5 $ 255,638
6 $ 201,158
7 $ 159,250
8 $ 113,151
Level: 21
Blinds: 6,000/12,000
Ante: 1,000
Cards will be in the air in a few minutes.

One of the players is going to walk away with the $ 1,236,095 first prize. We will bring you all the action as it happens. Play is due to start at 2 p.m. local time (GMT+1). The chip counts and seating positions for today's final table are:
1. Rasmus Hede Nielsen 789,000
2. Tim Vance 1,408,000
3. Daniel Ryan 557,000
4. Patrick Andersson 283,000
5. Simon Dorslund 267,000
6. Nicolas Dervaux 336,000
7. Soren Jensen 500,000
8. Magnus Hansen 458,000