2015 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Malta

�5,300 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2015 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Malta

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000

Hands #166-170: Montury Still Runs Good

Level 35 : 150,000/300,000, 40,000 ante

Hand #166: Valentin Messina received a walk.

Hand #167: Messina raised to 650,000 with {10-Hearts}?{9-Spades} and Jean Montury defended with {10-Diamonds}?{4-Diamonds} to see a flop of {4-Hearts}?{7-Spades}?{Q-Diamonds}. Montury check-called a bet of 450,000 and the {J-Hearts} on the turn gave Messina an open-ended straight draw.

Montury checked again and Messina bet 1.1 million to scoop the pot.

Hand #168: Montury found {A-Hearts}?{8-Spades} on the button and raised to 750,000. Messina's {9-Diamonds}?{9-Clubs} in the big blind made the Frenchman call and he found a flop of {K-Clubs}?{3-Clubs}?{7-Clubs}. Both players checked and the {A-Diamonds} on the turn gave Montury the lead. Thus, he bet 800,000 and got a call from Messina.

The {5-Hearts} on the river bricked and again Messina checked. Montury bet 990,000 to get some value from his top pair, but the call didn't take place.

Hand #169: A walk for Montury in the big blind.

Hand #170: Montury limped with {K-Hearts}?{7-Hearts} and Messina received a free flop with his {10-Hearts}?{2-Spades}. There was no betting action on the {J-Hearts}?{A-Hearts}?{4-Spades} flop but Montury then did so on the {7-Diamonds} turn, Messina quickly got out of the way.

Tags: Jean MonturyValentin Messina