2015 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Malta

�5,300 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2015 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Malta

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000

Hands #15-18: Panka's Birthday Run Good Continues; Ships a Double

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
Dominik Panka
Dominik Panka

Hand #15: Dominik Panka raised to 200,000 on the button holding the {a-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Stefan Schillhabel three-bet all in from the big with the {2-Diamonds}{2-Spades}. Panka, the short stack, wasted little time in folding.

Hand #16: Jean Montury raised to 210,000 holding the {k-Clubs}{6-Clubs} on the button and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #17: Schillhabel raised to 230,000 on the button with the {8-Clubs}{6-Spades} and then folded when Valentin Messina three-bet to 610,000 from the big blind with the {7-Spades}{2-Spades}.

Hand #18: Montury opened for 215,000 under the gun and action folded to Panka in the big blind. The Pole, who turned 24 yesterday, moved all in for 1.535 million total, and Montury thought long and hard before spiking in a call.

Montury: {a-Diamonds}{9-Spades}
Panka: {k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}

Panka, who survived nine all ins yesterday, was in prime position to double yet again, and it essentially became a foregone conclusion when the {7-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{k-Clubs} flop delivered him a full house. The {J-Clubs} turn left Montury drawing dead, and after the {8-Clubs} was run out on the river for good measure, Panka was shipped the double.

Player Chips Progress
Jean Montury fr
Jean Montury
EPT 1X Winner
Dominik Panka pl
Dominik Panka

Tags: Dominik PankaJean MonturyStefan SchillhabelValentin Messina

CONVersation: What Does a World Champ Do After Winning $10 Million?

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante
Martin Jacobson
Martin Jacobson

Martin Jacobson was one of the most, if not most, popular winners of the World Series of Poker Main Event in recent times. So much has been written and said about his near-perfect display at the final table last November, and he was even rewarded with "Tournament Performance of the Year" at the European Poker Awards earlier this week.

Enough about the cards though, because there are two questions on everyone's minds �� what does one do with their time after winning, and how does one go about spending $10 million?

Jacobson found time in his busy schedule to talk to PokerNews just after busting from the EPT Malta �10,300 High Roller.

PokerNews: Tell us how you spent the 24-48 hours after you won the Main Event.

Jacobson: Right after I won it was a really weird feeling. I was so focused on the tournament, so it was hard to switch off and start partying straight away. It took me a few hours to calm down and relax, but the first night I celebrated with everyone that was on my rail. The Rio put us up in a Palazzo suite with an open bar and it had seven bedrooms, a fireplace, and all this nice stuff.

That was fun, and then the next night we had dinner at Mandalay Bay before going to Light Nightclub, so that was the real party. Everything had sunk in a little bit more and one of the guys who works there as a host was a friend of a friend and he put up the final hand on the big screen. They actually put it up twice, so that was pretty cool. It was different too as being in Las Vegas in November is not what you��re used to and everything is way more quiet and relaxed. It was a strange feeling having my family at the club for a bit, partying with my mom! A weird-but-really-fun experience.

After that, did you head off on vacation?

I stayed in Vegas a bit longer than expected because I had to sort some stuff out. I did a bunch of interviews straight away that week, and then the plan was always to go to Seal Beach in California where my friend has a house; stay there for a week or two and calm down. My girlfriend and I did that and relaxed for a bit before we went to Mexico for a week, which was really nice.

It was just the two of us and it was something I really needed as even when we were in LA,at Seal Beach, which is more like a small village 40 minutes out of the city, I was still doing a bunch of interviews. It was quite a stressful time for me with a lot going on and a lot of people wanting to talk to me.

I was also dealing with a lot of emotions still, so it was so nice to get away to Mexico where I didn��t have to deal with any interviews or anything �� I just switched off and relaxed on the beach for a week before heading back home to do more interviews.

What was the festive period like for you?

Christmas this year was pretty relaxed. I celebrated in London and half my family came over. My mom and dad are separated, so my dad came over this year. Angelica��s (Jacobson's girlfriend) parents are also separated, so her mom came over as well and we all had a relaxed Christmas back home in London.

We know you��re a big mixed martial arts (MMA) fan and attended a UFC fight in Stockholm. Tell us about your involvement with those guys.

It��s quite funny actually. There��s a guy I know through poker who did a documentary with Alexander Gustafsson (the biggest UFC star from Sweden). He used to work for Svenska Spel �� the state-owned site that used to sponsor Michael [Tureniec] and Anton [Wigg], but he doesn��t work there anymore. Now he��s a TV producer for a big Swedish channel and he was doing this documentary.

Originally, [Gustafsson] was supposed to be getting this title fight, but he got injured so the fight got postponed and then the champ got injured. Meanwhile, Alex had to take a new fight in between and it took place in Sweden. If he won, then he got a title shot again, so there was a lot at stake.

Before the fight they were trying to hype it up, hence the documentary that was going to air on Swedish television, and they heard I was a big MMA fan so they suggested I be in the documentary. Originally he was supposed to make this documentary for the title fight so it was going to be much bigger and that��s when he thought that I could be in it.

Unibet sponsored it, so they thought that I might be able to strike a deal with them and be in it while I was preparing for the final table. It would��ve been perfect timing as it was going to happen in October, so was right before my final table and I was going to go to San Diego to take part in his training camp to help prepare me. I was really excited about that and then really gutted when he got injured, postponing everything.

The producer mentioned me to Alex��s manager, as he got to know those guys really well whilst shooting the documentary, and he said I should call him and we could hang out in Stockholm. I called him one day and they were really cool guys and they gave me the contact details on the new president of UFC Europe. I called him and he said sure, I��ll hook you up with tickets, and I got two floor seats, in the second row, for a friend and me.

The fight took place at the end of January, so I went to Stockholm for four days and there was a pre-party. I also timed it pretty well as I got to do some interviews with some Swedish magazines while I was there. It was a great weekend for me and Kevin Stani, who��s a massive UFC fan and got me into it, so it was good to be able to bring him �� a no brainer really.

Have you had any other celebrity encounters since your win?

While I was in LA I got to meet Nick Diaz, who��s another really famous UFC fighter. Just by coincidence, me and Mark Radoja stumbled across him outside a bar on a Monday night and next thing we know we��re doing shots with him before going to an after party, so that was a lot of fun.

Then, I got invited to train at his gym in Las Vegas this summer while I��m playing in the World Series [of Poker]!

Can you tell us about the patches you wore at the final table and the charitable pledges you��ve committed to?

When I made the final table there were two things I wanted to do apart from the technical and mental preparations. I wanted to get a sponsorship deal and I also wanted to do something for a charity, as it was a really good exposure opportunity for both of those things.

Since poker is pretty dry these days it��s hard to get a deal with a poker site because the market isn��t what it used to be, in Sweden at least. Going with a poker site might��ve been the most profitable thing for me. They were the ones able to offer the most money, but it wasn��t worth it for all the commitments. I thought it would be more fun to seek sponsorships with companies that I think are fun and products that I use. I managed to get sponsored by a supplement company whose products I was using all summer. They were a new starter company too, so were really excited about having me involved.

The other part I wanted to do was to get involved with a charity, but I didn��t have the time to research as much as I would��ve liked. However, I had heard of this REG (Raising for Effective Giving) initiative. I went on their website and read what it was all about and it seemed perfect for me, since I didn��t have time to do the research myself. They analyze hundreds of different charities to find the most effective ones and since several of my good friends are involved, and I trust their judgement, I went with my intuition and decided it was exactly what I wanted to do. I signed up and pledged to give 5% of my winnings.

Where exactly will your pledged money go?

How it works is that they go through as many charities as they can, to find the most effective ones, where the money does the most benefit, and have 10-15 listed on their website. Then what you do is donate every quarter out of whatever you��ve been winning. If you haven��t been winning, you don��t have to donate anything.

You can choose specific charities if you feel stronger about something. I feel stronger about animal charities, so I chose to donate half of the money towards them and spread it across many different ones. There are some that focus on factory farming and try to help find a better environment for those animals.

The other 50% went to a meta-charity that aims to get more people involved in charities, host seminars, advertise, and generally get more people on board. This is an ongoing commitment now, too. Every quarter I��ll give 5% of my potential winnings.

Lastly, have you bought anything nice for yourself?

I just bought a house in London actually! It��s nice to be able to upgrade (laughs) as London is so expensive. Our current place is underground (a basement apartment), so it��ll be nice to live above ground.

Tags: Martin JacobsonPokerNews Live Blog Feature

Hands #11-14: Montury Beats Panka with Straight

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #11: Valentin Messina opened to 200,000 with {A-Clubs} {10-Hearts} and Jean Montury called on the button with {Q-Diamonds} {J-Hearts} to see a flop of {5-Hearts} {J-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds}. Messina continued for 225,000 and was called by his fellow Frenchman to see the {8-Hearts} on the turn.

The second barrel of Messina was worth 600,000 and enforced yet another fold from Montury.

Hand #12: Stefan Schillhabel raised from the button for 230,000 with {Q-Hearts}?{Q-Clubs} and scooped the blinds and antes.

Hand #13: Schillhabel raised to 230,000 for the second time in a row with {A-Clubs}?{8-Clubs} and Dominik Panka defended his big blind with the {Q-Hearts}?{5-Hearts}. On a flop of {A-Diamonds}?{7-Hearts}?{K-Hearts}, Schillhabel's continuation bet of 250,000 was called before the {10-Hearts} fell on the turn.

Panka checked again and Schillhabel checked behind to see the {9-Hearts} on the river. Panka's bet of 450,000 triggered a quick fold and the Pole has chipped up nicely since the restart.

Hand #14: Messina made it 225,000 to go from the button with {K-Hearts}?{2-Hearts} and Panka called from one seat over with {A-Spades}?{10-Clubs}, Montury filled up with {5-Spades}?{4-Spades} out of the big blind. On a flop of {10-Spades}?{6-Clubs}?{3-Clubs}, the PCA10 champion bet 325,000 and was called only by Montury.

The {7-Hearts} on the turn gave the Frenchman a straight and Panka fired a second barrel worth 650,000 to see Montury cut out chips for a call before changing his mind and raising it up to 1.585 million. Panka gave it some thought and called to see the {5-Clubs} fall on the river.

The Pole checked and Montury checked behind to win the huge pot with a straight.

Player Chips Progress
Jean Montury fr
Jean Montury
EPT 1X Winner
Dominik Panka pl
Dominik Panka

Tags: Dominik PankaJean MonturyStefan SchillhabelValentin Messina

Level: 30

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 10,000

Hands #9-10: Aces for Messina

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #9: Javier Gomez Zapatero raised to 160,000 from the cutoff with {A-Diamonds}?{7-Diamonds} and Dominik Panka sat in the small blind with {5-Diamonds}?{5-Hearts}. The former PCA champion decided to call and Jean Montury did so as well in the big blind with {7-Clubs}?{6-Clubs}.

The three of them checked the {J-Spades}?{3-Diamonds}?{9-Spades} flop and Montury then bet the {J-Hearts} turn for 275,000 to scoop the pot.

Hand #10: Valentin Messina looked down at {A-Hearts}?{A-Diamonds} in the cutoff and raised to 175,000. Montury three-bet out of the small blind for 370,000 with {A-Spades}?{Q-Diamonds} and Stefan Schillhabel quickly folded his big blind. Messina four-bet large to 950,000, regaining the lead after his fellow Frenchman folded.

That was also the last hand of the level.

Tags: Dominik PankaJavier Gomez ZapateroJean MonturyStefan SchillhabelValentin Messina

Hands #4-8: Pocket Rockets for Panka

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #4: Javier Gomez Zapatero opened for 160,000 from the cutoff holding the {a-Clubs}{q-Diamonds} and Jean Montury called from the big blind with the {a-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}. The {9-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{7-Clubs} flop saw both players checked, and then Montury bet his pair after the {4-Clubs} was put out on the turn. Zapatero called with his flush draw, but folded to a bet of 285,000 after he missed on the {J-Diamonds} river.

Hand #5: Zapatero opened for 160,000 from the cutoff with the {k-Spades}{q-Hearts} and Dominik Panka, who survived nine all ins yesterday on his 24th birthday, woke up with the {a-Spades}{a-Clubs} on the button. Panka bumped it up to 375,000, the blinds both folded, and Zapatero called to see a {10-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} flop. Zapatero checked, Panka bet 310,000, and the Spaniard let it go.

Hand #6: Montury raised the button to 190,000 holding the {q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} and it was enough to take down the blinds and antes.

Hand #7: Panka opened for 160,000 under the gun holding the {j-Hearts}{10-Clubs} and Valentin Messina defended from the big blind with the {8-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}. The {2-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{7-Hearts} flop saw Messina check, Panka continue for 180,000, and Messian fold.

Hand #8: Action folded to Messina in the small blind and he limped with the {6-Hearts}{3-Clubs}. Panka checked his option from the big holding the {10-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}, the flop came down {2-Spades}{3-Spades}{j-Diamonds}, and Messina bet 90,000 with his middle pair. Panka raised to 250,000, Messina called, and the dealer burned and turned the {4-Spades}. Messina checked, and Panka, who took the lead with a pair of fours, did the same. Action repeated itself on the {A-Clubs} river, and Panka won the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Valentin Messina fr
Valentin Messina
Dominik Panka pl
Dominik Panka

Tags: Dominik PankaJavier Gomez ZapateroJean MonturyValentin Messina

Hossein Ensan Eliminated in 6th Place (�153,700)

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Hossein Ensan - 6th Place
Hossein Ensan - 6th Place

Hand #1: The action folded to Javier Gomez Zapatero and he raised to 175,000 out of the small blind with {10-Spades}?{4-Spades}. Chip leader Valentin Messina three-bet in the big blind with {9-Hearts}?{9-Spades} and the Spaniard snap-folded.

Hand #2: Stefan Schillhabel min-raised to 160,000 from the cutoff with {J-Hearts}?{10-Clubs} and short-stack Hossein Ensan surrendered his big blind.

Hand #3: The action folded to Ensan in the small blind and he moved all in for 755,000 chips. Dominik Panka snap-called from one seat over and they tabled the cards:

Ensan: {Q-Diamonds}?{10-Clubs}
Panka: {K-Hearts}?{Q-Clubs}

The {5-Clubs}?{K-Diamonds}?{10-Diamonds} flop provided a hit for both players, yet Ensan was still dominated and had two outs as well as running diamonds to double up. It was all over after the {K-Clubs} turn and the river bricked. Ensan made the second final table after finishing third in Barcelona and exited in 6th place for �153,700.

Player Chips Progress
Dominik Panka pl
Dominik Panka
Hossein Ensan de
Hossein Ensan
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Dominik PankaHossein EnsanJavier Gomez ZapateroStefan SchillhabelValentin Messina

Level: 29

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 10,000

Seat 8: Jean Montury (7,185,000)

Jean Montury
Jean Montury

Jean Montury, 41, is a former pool champion who discovered Texas hold'em in the late 90s during a trip to Las Vegas. Nowadays, Montury runs a tourism complex and golf course in Arras, France but makes no secret of his desire to become a professional poker player. His results include winning the Barriere Deauville event in 2012 for �30,300, finishing 41st at EPT10 Deauville for �12,080 and coming fourth in the FPS Deauville �2,000 High Roller for �57,290.

Montury has also made three side event tables here Malta in big ante deep-stack turbo, pot-limit Omaha, and seven-card stud events.

*Bio courtesy of the EPT.

Tags: Jean Montury