2015 PokerStars.fr EPT Season 11 Deauville

�5,300 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2015 PokerStars.fr EPT Season 11 Deauville

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Hand 169 - 175: A Shove But No Call

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand 169: Dimov limped in from the button with Jc6d]. Parlafes shoved all in with {A-Clubs}{4-Hearts} and Dimov folded.

Hand 169: Parlafes found {9-Spades}{6-Diamonds} on the button and folded.

Hand 170: Dimov limped in with the {9-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} and Parlafes checked with the {8-Spades}{6-Hearts}. {J-Spades}{10-Spades}{3-Hearts} on the flop and both players checked. The {10-Diamonds} hit the turn and Dimov bet 275,000. Parlafes folded.

Hand 171: Parlafes gave Dimov a walk.

Hand 172: Dimov limped in with {Q-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}, Parlafes checked his {J-Spades}{7-Spades}. {8-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} on the flop and both players checked. The {A-Hearts} hit the turn and again two checks. {6-Diamonds} on the river and Parlafes bet out 200,000 with his rivered straight. Dimov instantly folded.

Hand 173: Parlafes had {7-Clubs}{6-Clubs} on the button and limped in. Dimov checked {8-Hearts}{3-Spades}. {A-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{Q-Spades} on the flop and Dimov check folded to Parlafes' bet.

Hand 174: Dimov limped in with {Q-Hearts}{10-Clubs} and Parlafes shoved all in for 2,365,000 with {6-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. Dimov asked for a count, thought about it for a little bit, but folded in the end.

Hand 175: Parlafes had {J-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} on the button and opened to 325,000. Dimov with {7-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} folded.

Tags: Dany ParlafesOgnyan Dimov

Hands 164-168: Parlafes Continues to Fight

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand 164: Dany Parlafes raised to 325,000 from the button with {a-Clubs}{8-Hearts} and Ognyan Dimov came along to see a flop with {9-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}. The flop came {3-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{5-Clubs} and Dimov checked. Parlafes continued out and Dimov check-raised all in. Parlafes couldn't call for his tournament life Dimov took down the pot.

Hand 165: Dimov held {10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} on the button and he announced an all-in raise. Parlafes folded and Dimov took down another pot.

Hand 166: Dimov received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 167: Dimov limped the button while holding {K-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} and Parlafes knocked the table with {J-Diamonds}{9-Spades}. The dealer put out {A-Spades}{9-Clubs}{Q-Spades} and Parlafes checked his pair of nines. Dimov dropped out 160,000 and Parlafes called to see a turn. The {A-Clubs} hit the felt and there were two quick checks to the {8-Clubs} turn. Two more checks allowed a showdown to occur and Parlafes took the pot.

Hand 168: Dimov received a walk in the big blind.

Tags: Dany ParlafesOgnyan Dimov

Hands 158-163: Parlafes Getting Shorter

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand 158: Dany Parlafes held the button. He looked down at {K-Hearts}{2-Spades} and completed. Ognyan Dimov checked {J-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} from the big blind and the flop came out {8-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{3-Spades}. Dimov checked, Parlafes bet, and Dimov stuck around. Fourth street was the{9-Hearts} and Dimov checked one more time. Parlafes did the same and the {8-Clubs} finished off the board. Two more checks prompted Parlafes to win the pot with king-high.

Hand 159: Paralfes received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 160: Parlafes looked at {4-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} on the button and cut out a raise. Dimov moved all in over the top with {Q-Clubs}{10-Hearts}, putting Parlafes to the test for his tournament life. In the end, he opted to kick it into the muck and Dimov won the pot.

Hand 161: Dimov raised his button with {4-Hearts}{3-Hearts} and won the pot preflop.

Hand 162: Dimov received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 163: Dimov had the button and limped with {10-Hearts}{8-Clubs}. Parlafes checked {6-Spades}{2-Diamonds} and the flop read {7-Diamonds}{A-Diamonds}{7-Spades}. Both checked, the {J-Hearts} turned, and Parlafes checked once more. Dimov fired out a bet and Parlafes instantly won the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ognyan Dimov bg
Ognyan Dimov
EPT 1X Winner
Dany Parlafes ro
Dany Parlafes

Tags: Dany ParlafesOgnyan Dimov

Hand 150 - 157: Nothing's Working for Parlafes

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand 150: Parlafes folded his button and gave Dimov a walk.

Hand 151: Dimov {10-Hearts}{8-Hearts} opened for 325,000. Parlafes had {7-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and thought for some time before calling. {8-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}{3-Clubs} on the flop and both players checked. The {2-Spades} on the turn made Parlafes and Dimov both check again. On the {A-Spades} river they did the same and Dimov took it down.

Hand 152: Parlafes limped the button with {7-Hearts}{5-Clubs} and Dimov checked {10-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. The {J-Spades}{Q-Hearts}{9-Hearts} on the flop was checked by Dimov. Parlafes checked behind. The {Q-Clubs} on the turn made both players check again. {3-Diamonds} on the river. Dimov bet 200,000 and Parlafes folded.

Hand 153: We missed this hand because of a promo for Shark Cage Season 2.

Hand 154: Parlafes limped in with {5-Hearts}{4-Spades}, Dimov checked his {10-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. {3-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{J-Diamonds} on the flop and Dimov checked. Parlafes bet 200,000 and that won him the pot.

Hand 155: Dimov opened {K-Spades}{4-Clubs} for 325,000 and Parlafes folded his {Q-Diamonds}{4-Spades}.

Hand 156: Parlafes {8-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} on the button for Parlafes and he limped in again. Dimov checked the {9-Diamonds}{3-Spades}. {9-Spades}{10-Spades}{10-Diamonds} on the flop and Dimov checked. Parlafes bet 200,000 and Dimov made the call.

{4-Diamonds} on the turn and Dimov and Parlafes both checked. The {Q-Clubs} fell on the river and the 760,000 pot grew a little because Dimov bet 375,000. Parlafes thought about it for a bit but made no move and just folded.

Hand 157: Dimov received {10-Clubs}{8-Clubs} on the button and opened for 325,000. Parlafes folded without any hesitation.

Tags: Ognyan DimovDany Parlafes

Hands 144-150: Four in a Row for Parlafes

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand 144: Dany Parlafes held {A-Clubs}{6-Spades} and limped his button. Ognyan Dimov checked {q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and the flop came down {4-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{7-Spades}. Dimov checked and Parlafes stabbed for 225,000. Dimov stuck around.

Fourth street brought down the {3-Hearts} and Dimov passed on the action for a second time. Parlafes followed suit with a check and the {K-Hearts} hit the turn. Two more checks occurred and Parlafes' ace-high took down the pot.

Hand 145: Dimov had {5-Hearts}{4-Spades} and made it 325,000 to go. Parlafes peered at {J-Spades}{5-Spades} in the big blind and he called to see a flop. The dealer produced {J-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{2-Clubs}, giving Parlafes top two pair. Both players checked and the {Q-Clubs} hit the turn. Two more checks prompted the {7-Hearts} to complete the board and both players checked one final time. Parlafes showed down two pair and he was awarded another pot.

Hand 146: Parlafes held {A-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} on his button and he made it 325,000 to go. Dimov folded his big blind and Parlafes made it three in a row.

Hand 147: Parlafes received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 148: Dimov received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 149: Dimov popped it up to 325,000 from the big blind with {K-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}. Parlafes folded.

Tags: Dany ParlafesOgnyan Dimov

Hand 137 - 143: Big Hands but no Big Pots for Parlafes

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand 137: Dimov opened his button to 325,000 with another premium: {J-Hearts}{J-Clubs}. Parlafes made the call holding {10-Clubs}{5-Clubs}.

{Q-Spades}{8-Spades}{7-Hearts} on the flop and both players checked. The {5-Spades} fell on the turn and Parlafes checked. Dimov bet 300,000 and Parlafes called.

With the {K-Hearts} completing the board both players checked again. Parlafes' turned pair wasn't enough, Dimov grabbed this pot as well with the jacks.

Hand 138: Parlafes on the button got {A-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} from the dealer and opened for 325,000. Dimov folded the "Dolly Parton" (nine-five).

Hand 139: Dimov found {4-Clubs}{2-Clubs} and opened to 325,000. Parlafes had {A-Spades}{J-Clubs} in the big blind and three bet shoved all in for 3,580,000. Dimov instantly folded.

Hand 140: Parlafes had {10-Spades}{2-Clubs} and folded, Dimov got the chips and mucked his ace-ten.

Hand 141: Dimov opened {A-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} to 325,000. Parlafes shook his head and folded. And then shook his head some more.

Hand 142: Parlafes had {9-Hearts}{3-Clubs} on the button and decided to give Dimov another walk.

Hand 143: Dimov had the button and folded. Parlafes had {A-Spades}{Q-Spades} and received the minimum.

Tags: Dany ParlafesOgnyan Dimov

Hands 132-136: Dimov Inching Ahead

Level 32 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand 131: Ognyan Dimov held the button. He looked at {K-Spades}{10-Clubs} and raised to 325,000. Dany Parlafes looked at {Q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and announced a three-bet all in for 4.205 million. Dimov let it go and Parlafes won the pot.

Hand 132: Dimov received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 133: Dimov looked down to see {J-Hearts}{6-Hearts} on the button and he made it 325,000 to go. Parlafes saw {9-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and called to see a flop.

The dealer fanned {A-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{7-Clubs} and both players checked to see the board pair with the {a-Spades} on the turn. Parlafes took this opportunity to fire out 400,000. Dimov called and the {K-Clubs} completed the board. Both players checked and the hand was chopped.

Hand 134: Dimov received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 135: Parlafes received a walk in the big blind.

Hand 136: Parlafes limped his button with {K-Spades}{2-Spades} and Dimov checked to see a {9-Spades}{2-Diamonds} flop. The flop came down {9-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and Parlafes took the lead for 225,000. Dimov check-called with top pair and the {10-Hearts} fell on fourth street. Two checks occurred and the {7-Clubs} finished off the board. Dimov bet 350,000 and Parlafes let it go.

Player Chips Progress
Ognyan Dimov bg
Ognyan Dimov
EPT 1X Winner
Dany Parlafes ro
Dany Parlafes

Tags: Ognyan DimovDany Parlafes

Level: 32

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 20,000

Hand 126 - 130: Parlafes Folds the Second Nuts to Dimov's Over Bet

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand 126: Parlafes with {A-Clubs}{6-Hearts} raised it up to 250,000. Dimov made the call holding {4-Spades}{3-Clubs}. {6-Spades}{7-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} on the flop and Dimov checked. Parlafes bet out 300,000 and Dimov folded his gutshot.

Hand 127: Unknown action this hand.

Hand 128: Parlafes opened to 250,000 with {J-Clubs}{8-Spades}. Dimov made the call holding {K-Diamonds}{7-Spades}. {10-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{4-Spades} on the flop and Dimov and Parlafes checked.

Dimov hit the {K-Hearts} on the turn and checked. Parlafes checked behind. {8-Diamonds} on the river and Dimov now bet 300,000. Parlafes made the call with his rivered pair of eights and was down to 4.5 million in chips after the hand.

Hand 129: Dimov folded his button.

Hand 130: {Q-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} on the button for Parlafes and the Romanian limped in. Dimov checked with {10-Hearts}{8-Hearts}. The flop came {7-Clubs}{9-Spades}{2-Spades} and Dimov check called a bet of 200,000.

{6-Clubs} on the turn and Dimov checked with his turned straight. Parlafes checked behind.

The {5-Hearts} on the river gave Parlafes a lower straight. Dimov bet out 1.2 million into a 680,000 pot. Parlafes laughed a bit at the situation. It took him 3 minutes but eventually he made the best laydown of this heads up.

Player Chips Progress
Ognyan Dimov bg
Ognyan Dimov
EPT 1X Winner
Dany Parlafes ro
Dany Parlafes

Tags: Dany ParlafesOgnyan Dimov