2007 EPT - Prague

EPT Prague Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2007 EPT - Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

And We're Heads-Up at the PokerStars.com EPT Prague

Kristian Kjondal out in third
Kristian Kjondal out in third
Kristian Kjondal was eliminated in third position.

Gino Alacqua raised to 145,000 from the button and Kjondal called in the small blind.

The flop came {3-Clubs}{4-Spades}{5-Clubs}.

Kjondal checked and Alacqua bet 200,000. Kjondal then moved all in and was quickly called.

{K-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} for Kjondal.
{K-Clubs}{5-Spades} for Alacqua.

Turn was the {8-Clubs}, taking away some of Kjondal's outs.
River was the {J-Diamonds}.

Kjondal wins �235,300 for his third-place finish.

Tags: Kristian Kjondal

Active Arnaud

Arnaud Mattern
Arnaud Mattern
Arnaud Mattern has been involved in four of the last five pots.

The first time, he made it 150,000 from the small blind. Kristian Kjondal called from the big. Arnaud bet 220,000 on the turn, with the board reading {3-Hearts}{K-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{3-Spades}, to win that one.

Next hand, his button raise got through.

After that, Kristian was allowed to steal the blinds from the button.

Arnaud and Kristian clashed again in an unraised pot from the blinds. Kristian bet 85,000 on a {2-Spades}{3-Hearts}{J-Spades} flop and Arnaud called. Turn was the {6-Clubs} and they checked. The river was the {7-Hearts} and Arnaud bet 150,000, which was quickly called by Kristian with {K-Spades}{J-Hearts}. Arnaud showed {7-Clubs}{6-Spades}.

Arnaud raised again on the button and Gino called. The board read {7-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{2-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and Arnaud raised Gino's 85,000 bet to 220,000 for the win.

Tags: Arnaud Mattern

It's My Button and I'll Raise if I Want to

So far on this blind level...

Hand 1: Mattern raises to 140,000 from the button and wins the blinds.
Hand 2: Kjondal raises to 135,000 from the button and takes the blinds.
Hand 3: Gino Alacqua raises to 155,000 from the button and takes the blinds.
Hand 4: Mattern raises to 140,000 from the button and wins the blinds.
Hand 5: Mattern gets a walk. Exciting stuff.

Then finally on hand 6, Kjondal calls from the small blind and Gino Alacqua checks in the big blind.

Flop: {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}{8-Spades}

Kjondal bets 75,000 and Alacqua calls.

Turn is the {7-Spades} and both players check.
River is the {8-Hearts} and again no one bets.

Alacqua turns over {K-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and Kjondal mucks his hand.

Level: 26

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 5,000

On Break

On the last hand of the level, Gino Alacqua limped in from the small blind and Arnaud Mattern raised to 110,000. The Italian instantly called.

The flop came {10-Hearts}{J-Spades}{9-Diamonds} and both players checked.

Turn was the {3-Diamonds} and Alacqua moved all in. Mattern folded

Alacqua showed {2-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}.

Arnaud and Kristian Trade Pots

Arnaud Mattern limps on the small blind and Kristian Kjondal makes it 120,000 more from the big blind. Arnaud calls.

The flop is {3-Clubs}{Q-Spades}{2-Spades}, and is checked by both.
The turn is the {6-Spades} and Arnaud bets 220,000, which Kristian calls.
River is the {6-Hearts} and both check.

Kristian shows {A-Spades}{3-Diamonds} for two pair, which beats Arnaud's ace high.

Three hands later, Arnaud raises from the small blind to 120,000 and Kristian calls. The flop is {2-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} and Arnaud wins it with a 160,000 bet.

Overall, Kristian made a 220,000 profit from the two exchanges.

Kjondal Evens Up the Stacks

Kristian Kjondal
Kristian Kjondal
Arnaud Mattern open-limped on the button, Kjondal completed the small blind, and Alacqua checked his option in the big blind.

Flop: {6-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}

Checked to Mattern, who bet 80,000. Kjondal called, Alacqua folded.

Turn was the {7-Diamonds}. Kjondal checked again and Mattern bet 220,000. Kjondal called.

River was the {3-Spades}. Checked to Mattern again, who waited two minutes before checking.

Kjondal tabled {K-Clubs}{4-Clubs} for just top pair and Mattern mucked his hand.

Tags: Kristian Kjondal

Gino Alacqua Doubles Up!

Gino Alacqua
Gino Alacqua
Gino Alacqua raises on the button and Arnaud moves all in from the small blind. Gino thinks for a few seconds, then calls.

Arnaud: {8-Clubs}{8-Spades}
Gino: {K-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}

The board is {10-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Spades}{K-Clubs} and Gino Alacqua wins a 2,200,000 pot, which puts him slightly ahead of Arnaud, who has 2,100,000 after the hand.

Tags: Arnaud MatternGino Alacqua

Juha Lauttamus Eliminated

Juha Lauttamus
Juha Lauttamus
On a very short stack, the Fin moved all in from the button and was called by Gino Alacqua in the big blind.

{Q-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} for Lauttamus.
{Q-Hearts}{4-Clubs} for Alacqua.

A four on the flop gave the Italian the pot and Juha Lauttamus is knocked out in fourth position, winning �182,200.

Tags: Juha Lauttamus

3,100,000 Pot to Mattern!

Arnaud Mattern
Arnaud Mattern
All fold round to Arnaud Mattern in the small blind, and he raises to 120,000. Juha Lauttamus in the big blind asks for a rough count of Arnaud's chips and when he is told it's around 1.5 million, he moves all in. Arnaud can't believe his luck as he snaps off an instant call showing two red aces. Lauttamus has pocket nines, which do not improve when the five board cards are dealt out.

Arnaud Mattern is now a big chip leader again with 3,100,000, whilst Juha drops back to the bottom of the counts with 400,000.

Tags: Arnaud MatternJuha Lauttamus