2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

€5,300 EPT Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2023 PokerStars EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000
Players Info - Day 5
Players Left

Niall Farrell Eliminated in 16th Place (€42,320)

Level 26 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Niall Farrell
Niall Farrell

Padraig O'Neill raised to 100,000 in early position before Jon Kyte three-bet to 320,000 in middle position. Niall Farrell then four-bet to 675,000 in the hijack.

O'Neill folded, but Kyte moved all in and Farrell quickly called for 2,100,000.

Niall Farrell: Q?Q?
Jon Kyte: A?K?

"I always have the pair against ace-king. Finally time for ace-king to win," Kyte said heading to the 3?7?8? flop, which kept Farrell in the lead. The turn, though, was the K? and Kyte made top pair to move in front.

Farrell watched helplessly as the 4? completed the board and sealed his elimination in 16th place.

"So annoying," he said as he got up from his seat.

"You're the flip king," tablemate Dejan Jakovljevic told Kyte as the chip leader stacked up nearly 10,000,000.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte
Day 5 Chip Leader
Padraig O'Neill ie
Padraig O'Neill
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Niall Farrell gb
Niall Farrell
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Jon KyteNiall FarrellPadraig O'Neill

Dejan Jakovljevic Eliminated in 14th Place (€50,800); Max Neugebauer Eliminated in 15th Place (€50,800)

Level 26 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Dejan Jakovljevic
Dejan Jakovljevic

Max Neugebauer raised to 100,000 in the cutoff before Jon Kyte moved all in from the small blind. Dejan Jakovljevic tanked for a moment in the big blind before calling for his last 850,000, while Neugebauer also called for around 800,000.

Max Neugebauer: A?K?
Dejan Jakovljevic: 9?9?
Jon Kyte: K?5?

"I f**ked up," Kyte said after Neugebauer called. The flop came 2?K?7?, giving Kyte and Neugebauer top pair but Neugebauer remained in front with his ace-kicker.

The turn was the K? and both players improved to trips. "See? Cooler, trips against trips," Kyte joked with Neugebauer. "I'll take a deuce. I'm not greedy," Kyte added.

The day belongs to Kyte, however, as the 5? spiked on the river to give him a full house and send both players to the rail.

"Don't film me any more. It's ridiculous," Kyte said, hiding his face as both Jakovljevic and Neugebauer were sent to the rail. Neugebauer took 15th, while Jakovljevic finished 14th with the bigger stack.

Max Neugebauer
Max Neugebauer
Player Chips Progress
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte
Day 5 Chip Leader
Max Neugebauer at
Max Neugebauer
Dejan Jakovljevic nl
Dejan Jakovljevic

Tags: Dejan JakovljevicJon KyteMax Neugebauer

Serge Chechin Eliminated in 13th Place (€60,960)

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Serge Chechin
Serge Chechin

Segre Chechin moved all in for 725,000 from under the gun before Marle Spragg rejammed from the small blind after using a time bank. Preben Stokkan folded in the big blind. The cards went on their backs after the outer table finished the hand that they were on.

Serge Chechin: 10?9?
Marle Spragg: A?Q?

The Q?10?3? flop gave both players a pair, but Chechin was then drawing dead after the Q? turn. The 3? river completed the runout and Chechin exited in 13th place.

Player Chips Progress
Umberto Ruggeri it
Umberto Ruggeri
Govert Metaal nl
Govert Metaal
Marle Spragg us
Marle Spragg
Grigorii Rodin ru
Grigorii Rodin
Vincent Meli fr
Vincent Meli
Preben Stokkan no
Preben Stokkan
Serge Chechin fr
Serge Chechin

Tags: Marle SpraggSerge Chechin

Jiri Kocab Eliminated in 12th Place (€60,960)

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Jiri Kocab
Jiri Kocab

Jiri Kocab shoved for his last 600,000 from the cutoff and was called by Padraig O’Neill to be put at risk.

Jiri Kocab: A?9?
Padraig O’Neill: A?J?

Kocab found himself dominated and in need of help.

The 8?8?5? flop and 7? turn gave Kocab additional outs to a straight, but the K? river bricked out for Kocab and he was eliminated in 12th place.

Player Chips Progress
Padraig O'Neill ie
Padraig O'Neill
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Jiri Kocab cz
Jiri Kocab

Tags: Jiri KocabPadraig O’Neill

Mark Helou Eliminated in 11th Place (€73,160)

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Mark Helou
Mark Helou

Mark Helou moved all in for 765,000 on the button and Padraig O'Neill gave up his small blind . "Good morning. You finally woke up," Jon Kyte said as he waited for a count before calling in the big blind.

Mark Helou: 10?10?
Jon Kyte: A?J?

Helou remained in the lead on the K?Q?Q? flop, while the turn was the 6?. "You can have this one," Kyte said, but he caught the A? on the river to send Helou to the rail in 11th place.

Mark Helou
Mark Helou
Player Chips Progress
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte
Day 5 Chip Leader
Mark Helou lb
Mark Helou

Tags: Jon KyteMark Helou

Preben Stokkan Eliminated in 10th Place (€73,160)

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Preben Stokkan
Preben Stokkan

Preben Stokkan opened to 120,000 from under the gun before Grigorii Rodin min-raised to 180,000 from the button. Stokkan called, leaving him with just 265,000.

The last of Stokkan's chips went in the middle on the J?10?3? flop.

Preben Stokkan: Q?9?
Grigorii Rodin: K?K?

Stokkan had an open-ended straight draw, while Rodin had the overpair for the lead. Stokkan failed to survive following the 7? turn and 9? river.

The final table redraw is now taking place, with play stopping for the day when six players remain.

Player Chips Progress
Grigorii Rodin ru
Grigorii Rodin
Preben Stokkan no
Preben Stokkan

Tags: Grigorii RodinPreben Stokkan

Vincent Meli Eliminated in 9th Place (€95,000)

Level 28 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Vincent Meli
Vincent Meli

Govert Metaal opened to 225,000 from early position with 10?10? and Vincent Meli shoved for his last 990,000 from middle position. Action folded to Jon Kyte in the big blind, who also went all in having both players covered. Metaal got out of the way and a showdown was held.

Vincent Meli: J?J?
Jon Kyte: Q?Q?

Meli would need some help to stay alive, but the 7?3?9?K?9? runout kept Kyte best with his ladies and Meli was eliminated in ninth place.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte
Day 5 Chip Leader
Govert Metaal nl
Govert Metaal
Vincent Meli fr
Vincent Meli

Tags: Govert MetaalJon KyteVincent Meli

Marle Spragg Eliminated in 8th Place (€123,600)

Level 28 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Marle Spragg
Marle Spragg

Jon Kyte opened to 175,000 from the cutoff and was called by Umberto Ruggeri on the button with A?10?. Marle Spragg then shoved for her last 975,000 from the big blind and Kyte shoved as well, which got a fold from Ruggeri.

Marle Spragg: A?4?
Jon Kyte: K?Q?

Spragg held a slight lead, but the 3?5?4? flop gave a flush draw in addition to his overcards to get pulses racing.

The 7? turn was safe for Spragg, but the K? river paired Kyte's king and Spragg's deep run ended in eighth place.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte
Day 5 Chip Leader
Umberto Ruggeri it
Umberto Ruggeri
Marle Spragg us
Marle Spragg

Tags: Jon KyteMarle SpraggUmberto Ruggeri

Govert Metaal Eliminated in 7th Place (€160,750)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Govert Metal
Govert Metal

Jon Kyte opened to 210,000 from the button to 210,000 and Govert Metaal defended his big blind.

Metaal check-called for 360,000 on the Q?8?5? flop, bringing in the 7? turn. Metaal, with 1,500,000 behind, checked. Kyte jammed and was snap-called.

Govert Metaal: A?Q?
Jon Kyte: J?9?

Metaal had top pair, top kicker, while Kyte was double-gutted. The 10? peeled off on the river to complete Kyte's straight and bring the tournament to its final six players.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte
Day 5 Chip Leader
Govert Metaal nl
Govert Metaal

Tags: Govert MetaalJon Kyte

Grigorii Rodin Eliminated in 6th Place (€209,000)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Grigorit Rodin
Grigorit Rodin

Jon Kyte opened to 225,000 on the button and it was folded to Grigorii Rodin in the big blind, who shoved for his last 2,470,000. Kyte quickly called to put Rodin at risk and hands were revealed.

Grigorii Rodin: 2?2?
Jon Kyte: Q?Q?

The Q?8?9? flop left Rodin drawing nearly dead and the 4? turn sealed Rodin's fate.

An irrelevant 2? improved Rodin to a second-best set and Rodin was sent out in sixth place to end play for the day.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Kyte no
Jon Kyte
Day 5 Chip Leader
Grigorii Rodin ru
Grigorii Rodin

Tags: Grigorii RodinJon Kyte