2016 PokerStars EPT Season 13 Prague

�5,300 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2016 PokerStars EPT Season 13 Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Level: 31

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 20,000

Hands #23-25: Three to Peters Before Break

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #23: Marton Czuczor put his newfound chips to use with an open to 280,000 with {k-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}. David Peters three-bet it to 940,000, and he won the pot.

Hand #24: Peters opened to 270,000 with {k-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} on the button and swept up the blinds and antes.

Hand #25: Peters again opened, with {a-Spades}{9-Diamonds} this time, and it mucked to Sergei Petrushevskii in the big blind with {10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}. He called, and both paired on the {10-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{j-Spades}. Petrushevskii was uninspired by his bottom pair and check-folded to a bet.

Players headed to a break after the conclusion of the hand.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Jasper Meijer van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer van Putten
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii

Tags: David PetersMarton CzuczorSergei Petrushevskii

Marius Gierse Eliminated in 5th place (�203,800)

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
Marius Gierse
Marius Gierse

Hand #22: Marton Czuczor in the cutoff found {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds} and the start of day chip leader opened for 280,000.

Marius Gierse, on the button with {5-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} and a total stack of 2,940,000, jammed. Sergei Petrushevskii with the {J-Spades}{5-Clubs} asked for a count but folded, David Peters followed suit en tossed in his cards as well.

Czuczor called instantly.

The flop in the 6,120,000-pot came {A-Spades}{A-Hearts}{6-Spades}, not doing much for anyone. Neither did the {4-Diamonds} on the turn and {4-Clubs} on the river and Marius Gierse said his goodbyes.

Gierse received �203,800 for his deep run. The remaining four players are guaranteed �284,550 from here on out.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Jasper Meijer van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer van Putten
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii
Marius Gierse at
Marius Gierse

Tags: Marius GierseMarton Czuczor

Hands #17-21: Sergei Petrushevskii Calls With Ace-High

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #17: David Peters received a walk in the big blind with {10-Spades}{5-Spades}.

Hand #18: Action folded around to David Peters in the small blind and he limped with {Q-Spades}{6-Hearts}. Jasper Meijer van Putten found {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts} in the big blind and raised to 400,000. Peters folded.

Hand #19: Sergei Petrushevskii with {A-Spades}{8-Spades} in the cutoff, raised to 280,000. Marton Czuczor called in the big blind with {J-Clubs}{3-Clubs} and checked on {6-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}. Petrushevskii checked behind and they checked the {9-Spades} on the turn as well.

The {4-Diamonds} completed the board and Czuczor bet 375,000. Petrushevskii called just about instantly with the ace-high and raked in the chips as a result.

Hand #20: Sergei Petrushevskii, now with {7-Clubs}{8-Clubs} under the gun, raised to 280,000 and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #21: David Peters raised {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} to 270,000 from first position. Sergei Petrushevskii called from the big blind with {7-Spades}{7-Clubs} and saw a flop of {6-Hearts}{8-Spades}{A-Spades}. Petrushevskii check-called Peters' 230,000-bet to see the {Q-Hearts} hit the turn. Both of them checked and they did so too on the {9-Spades} river. The pot went to Peters.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Jasper Meijer van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer van Putten
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii
Marius Gierse at
Marius Gierse

Tags: David PetersJasper Meijer Van PuttenMarton CzuczorSergei Petrushevskii

Hands #12-16: Czuczor Takes Three-Bet Pot from Peters

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #12: Marius Gierse raised with {a-Spades}{k-Hearts} on the button, and both blinds released.

Hand #13: Marton Czuczor opened under the gun with {j-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} to 280,000. David Peters three-bet to 940,000 in the small blind with {6-Clubs}{4-Clubs}, and Czuczor called to see a flop of {q-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{10-Hearts}. Both players checked it, and a {5-Clubs} fell. Check-check again and a {9-Diamonds} made Czuczor a straight. Czuczor bet 1,135,000, and Peters mucked immediately.

Hand #14: Sergei Petrushevskii raised to 280,000 from the cutoff with {q-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}. Peters called with {q-Spades}{9-Spades} on the button, and Jasper Meijer van Putten repopped to 880,000 out of the small blind with {k-Clubs}{9-Clubs}.

Hand #15: Czuczor looked at {a-Hearts}{10-Spades} in the small blind and completed. Gierse checked the {q-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} and both flopped a piece on {j-Clubs}{j-Spades}{k-Hearts}. Check-check to the {k-Clubs}, and two more checks followed. A river {5-Hearts} prompted 250,000 from Czuczor, and Gierse folded after calling out his opponent's hand as likely ace-high.

Hand #16: Czuczor opened for 280,000 on the button with {8-Spades}{7-Clubs}. Petrushevskii fired in a three-bet out of the big blind to 760,000 with jacks, and that chased Czuczor.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Jasper Meijer van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer van Putten
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii

Tags: David PetersJasper Meijer Van PuttenMarius GierseMarton CzuczorSergei Petrushevskii

Hands #9-11: Peters Hits a King

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #9: David Peters raised {A-Spades}{6-Spades} on the button to 270,000. Big blind Marton Czuczor called with {K-Spades}{J-Spades}, growing the pot to 700,000. The flop came {Q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{9-Spades} and both checked. The {4-Clubs} hit the turn and Czuczor bet 475,000. Peters called and saw the {J-Hearts} hit the river. Czuczor bet 675,000 into 1,650,000 and Peters folded.

Hand #10: Sergei Petrushevskii found {7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} under the gun and raised to 285,000. Again a pair for Marton Czuczor, this time {5-Hearts}{5-Clubs} but he folded from the small blind. Big blind Marius Gierse folded {3-Clubs}{2-Clubs} so raise and take it for Petrushevskii.

Hand #11: Peters raised {K-Diamonds}{4-Spades} under the gun to 270,000. Marton Czuczor, with the {A-Clubs}{J-Diamonds} on the button, called. The flop came {4-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{5-Clubs}, something for both. Peters checked and called Czuczor's 250,000-bet.

The {K-Clubs} hit the turn, favoriting Peters, but both of them checked. The {5-Diamonds} completed the board and Peters bet 750,000 into the 1.32 million pot. Czuczor called instantly but had to leave the pot to Peters.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Jasper Meijer van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer van Putten
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii
Marius Gierse at
Marius Gierse

Tags: David PetersMarton CzuczorSergei Petrushevskii

Hands #4-8: Czuczor and Gierse Take Medium Pots

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #4: David Peters raised to 270,000 with {q-Spades}{8-Diamonds}. Marton Czuczor called in the big blind with {a-Clubs}{3-Hearts}. Peters bet 200,000 on the {10-Spades}{k-Hearts}{k-Spades} flop, and that got Czuczor to fold.

Hand #5: Peters raised to 270,000 with {a-Hearts}{10-Clubs}, and Marius Gierse called in the big blind with {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}. The flop came {10-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{k-Clubs}, pairing both players. Gierse check-called 225,000, and an {8-Clubs} arrived. Check-check on that card to a {9-Hearts} river, and Gierse came out betting with 400,000. Peters tanked for a couple of minutes and then let his hand go.

Hand #6: Czuczor opened on the button to 280,000 with {k-Spades}{j-Diamonds}. Sergei Petrushevskii defended his big blind with {a-Spades}{9-Hearts}. Both whiffed the {5-Hearts}{q-Spades}{8-Diamonds} flop, and a 250,000 bet from Czuczor won it.

Hand #7: Gierse raised to 250,000 on the button with {q-Clubs}{9-Hearts}. Peters called out of the big blind with {10-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} and flopped top pair as {6-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{5-Hearts} hit. Peters check-called 280,000 and the turn was a {9-Diamonds}, pairing Gierse. Both players checked to the {7-Diamonds}. Two more checks, and Peters dragged the pot.

Hand #8: Czuczor raised it up with {9-Spades}{9-Hearts} to 280,000. Petrushevskii called from the button with {5-Spades}{5-Diamonds}. Neither improved on the {k-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} flop, and both checked. The turn was an {8-Clubs} and Czuczor checked again. This time, Petrushevskii bet 375,000. Czuczor called, and a {10-Clubs} completed the board. Both checked again, and Czuczor took the showdown.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii

Tags: David PetersMarius GierseMarton CzuczorSergei Petrushevskii

Sam Cohen Eliminated in 6th place (�145,900)

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
Sam Cohen
Sam Cohen

Hand #3: Marton Czuczor raised again, this time with {10-Hearts}{10-Clubs}. His 280,000-raise was called by David Peters on the button who held {9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}. Sam Cohen over called with {Q-Clubs}{8-Hearts} on the big blind.

The flop came {8-Spades}{Q-Hearts}{2-Hearts} and Cohen and Czuczor checked. Peters bet 350,000 into 1,020,000 and Cohen raised to 1 million. Czuczor folded right away. Peters tanked for some time before he called.

With 3,020,000 in the pot, the {9-Hearts} hit the turn. Cohen had just over pot behind and shoved all in. Peters called right away.

Cohen needed a queen or a heart on the river. Her 25% hand did not materialize into a winner as the {7-Spades} completed the board.

Sam Cohen eliminated in 6th place, good for �145,900. The remaining five players are guaranteed �203,800.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters us
David Peters
Sam Cohen us
Sam Cohen

Tags: Sam CohenDavid Peters

Hands #1-2: Meijer van Putten Flops Top Pair

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #1: Marton Czuczor, with {A-Clubs}{8-Spades} in the cutoff, raised to 280,000. David Peters defended his big blind with {10-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} but check-folded to the 250,000-bet on {A-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}. Czuczor passed the 10-million mark.

Hand #2: Czuczor, under the gun plus one, raised to 280,000 with {K-Hearts}{9-Hearts}. Jasper Meijer van Putten defended {Q-Hearts}{9-Clubs} and hit on {Q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}. Meijer van Putten checked, and then called the 250,000-bet that followed.

The {5-Diamonds} on the turn had both players check and the {3-Hearts} completed the board. Meijer van Putten checked a third time and Czuczor bet 475,000. Meijer van Putten called instantly and took down the sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Marton Czuczor hu
Marton Czuczor
Sergei Petrushevskii ru
Sergei Petrushevskii
Jasper Meijer van Putten nl
Jasper Meijer van Putten
Marius Gierse at
Marius Gierse

Tags: David PetersJasper Meijer Van PuttenMarton Czuczor

Level: 30

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 20,000