2014 PokerStars.net EPT Vienna

�5,300 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.net EPT Vienna

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Seat 7: Pablo Gordillo, 20, Leon, Spain - PokerStars qualifier - 4,075,000

Pablo Gordillo
Pablo Gordillo

Finance student Pablo Gordillo won his seat on PokerStars.es in a �250 seat+expenses qualifier. He��s had several attempts at qualifying so was thrilled to finally make it. He had a rocky start to the event however �C down to just 4,000 chips on Day 1 and starting Day 2 with just 20,600. His fortunes turned on Day 3 when he won a huge pot against Portugal��s Michel Dattani to take the chip lead. He ended the day as chip leader and was second in chips to Timo Pfutzenreuter at the end of Day 4. This is already his biggest cash �C either live or online. He came third in a �200 NL side event at Estrellas Madrid in January for � 2,421 and cashed for �12,000 in a Sunday Especial on PokerStars.es two months ago. He said: ��Yes, I thought I could make the final. I felt nervous when I was in my hotel room but once I was at the table I felt very calm and confident��. Gordillo came to Vienna with friends Benjamin Garcia and Miguel Riera and all three are planning to move to London in the next few months so they can play on PokerStars.com.

Tags: Pablo Gordillo