2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo? Casino EPT Grand Final

�10,600 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo? Casino EPT Grand Final

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Level: 34

Blinds: 125,000/250,000

Ante: 30,000

Buonanno' Shove Gets No Call

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #228: Buonanno on the button with {K-Hearts}{J-Spades} raised it up to 400,000. Salter had {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs} in the big blind and made it 1,140,000. Buonanno made the call in position.

The flop came {4-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{5-Spades} and with 2,340,000 already in the middle, Salter bet 1,025,000. Buonanno instantly folded.

Hand #229: Salter asked how much his opponent had, he was too tired to tell. He then opened his button to 415,000 holding {J-Spades}{3-Spades}. Buonanno shoved for 4,690,000 with the {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts} and Salter folded.

Hand #230: Buonanno again had {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts} and made it 400,000 from the button. Salter made the call with {A-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}.

{8-Clubs}{K-Hearts}{10-Spades} on the flop and Buonanno and Salter checked. The {7-Spades} on the turn paired Salter's kicker. With 860,000 in the pot it was Salter who bet 340,000. Buonanno made the call.

{4-Clubs} on the river and Salter and Buonanno both checked. Salter took it down.

Tags: Antonio BuonannoJack Salter

Buonanno Doubles, Keeping At Least Two People Happy

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

There were two contrasting images as the most recent all-in played out, resulting in a double up for Antonio Buonanno. At one end of the stage, the stage nearest the exit because it��s nearer the bar, the British crowd, numbering half a dozen, Albion��s warrior class, leaning forward to bang the hoardings and get a better look as their man Salter��s cards as they were turned over. But there, standing alone along the rail was Buonanno��s wife, who has been loyally watching since the very start. The PokerStars Blog reports.

Buonanno Pulls Back

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Antonio Buonanno
Antonio Buonanno

Hand #219: Jack Salter raised to 415,000 but folded instantly when Antonio Buonanno moved all in with {A-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}.

Hand #220: Buonanno raised to 400,000 and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #221: Salter raised to 425,000 holding {5-Hearts}{4-Clubs} and Buonanno made the call with {K-Spades}{10-Clubs}. Both checked the {6-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} flop, Salter fired a bet of 555,000 on {3-Clubs} turn to pick up the pot.

Hand #222: Buonanno raised to 400,000 with {K-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} and won the blinds.

Hand #223: Salter raised to 415,000 with {8-Clubs}{4-Spades} but instantly folded when Buonanno shoved with pocket tens.

Hand #224: Buonanno raised to 400,000 with {K-Hearts}{10-Hearts} and Jack Salter called with {Q-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. The flop was {3-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} and both players checked. The {9-Diamonds} turn was also checked, as was the {3-Clubs}. Another pot for Buonanno.

Hand #225: Salter raised to 415,000 with {A-Hearts}{7-Spades} and Buonanno called with {10-Clubs}{7-Hearts}. The flop was {3-Clubs}{K-Hearts}{8-Spades} and Buonanno checked, Salter fired 465,000 and won the pot.

Hand #226: Buonanno raised to 400,000 with {8-Hearts}{7-Clubs} and won the pot.

Hand #227: Salter raised to 415,000 and won the blinds and antes.

This is now officially the longest EPT heads-up battle in history.

Buonanno Doubles Up

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Antonio Buonanno
Antonio Buonanno

Hand #211: Salter required the all in triangle with {K-Clubs}{9-Hearts}. Buonanno didn't call. "Good fold" said Salter.

Hand #212: Buonanno had {6-Clubs}{3-Hearts} on the button and folded.

Hand #213: Salter had {3-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} and folded, walk for Buonanno.

Hand #214: Buonanno had {6-Hearts}{5-Hearts} on the button and made it 400,000. Salter found {10-Spades}{3-Spades} and folded.

Hand #215: Salter had {A-Hearts}{J-Spades} on the button and requested the all in triangle again. Buonanno with {7-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} didn't call.

Hand #216: Buonanno folded his button.

Hand #217: Salter on the button raised to 415,000 with {10-Diamonds}{2-Spades}, Buonanno folded.

Hand #218: Buonanno with {K-Clubs}{2-Clubs} on the button shoved all in. Salter made the quick call with {A-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}. Salter was a 60% favorite to win it all right there.

The {5-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{10-Hearts} flop was still save for Salter and the rail asked for a pair the board. It wouldn't pair the board though, it would pair Buonanno; {2-Spades}.

"That is good right?" asked Salter. No it wasn't. At least not for him. Salter now needed an ace or nine on the river to win it.

He wouldn't get it. The {4-Spades} fell on the river and Buonanno doubled to almost 5 million.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Salter gb
Jack Salter
Antonio Buonanno it
Antonio Buonanno
EPT 1X Winner

Salter Further Ahead

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Jack Salter
Jack Salter

Hand #207: Unknown action.

Hand #208: Salter raised to 415,000 with {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts} and Antonio Buoanno made the call with {7-Spades}{6-Spades}. Both players checked the {8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{3-Spades} flop. Buonanno fired a bet of 400,000 on the {K-Diamonds} but Salter called. The river was the {4-Hearts} and Buonanno bet 400,000 again. Salter raised to 1.54 million and Buonanno thought for a minute and then made the call. Salter showed his ace-king and shipped another big pot.

Hand #208: Buonanno raised to 400,000 preflop with {K-Clubs}{5-Spades} and Salter folded.

Hand #209: Salter moved all in from the button and Buonanno folded.

Hand #210: Buonanno raised to 400,000 with {J-Hearts}{2-Hearts} and won the blinds.

Salter Takes A Serious Lead

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Jack Salter - Antonio Buonanno Heads Up
Jack Salter - Antonio Buonanno Heads Up

Hand #205: Buonanno opened with {4-Hearts}{4-Spades} and Salter folded.

Hand #206: Salter found a real hand with {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs} and opened for 415,000. Buonanno didn't have a bad hand either with {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} and made it 1,000,000. Salter four-bet to 2,225,000 and Buonanno called.

With now 4,510,000 in the pot, the flop came {3-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. Buonanno had wild plans and bet out 1,500,000, one-third of the pot.

Salter moved his hands up in the air and formed a triangle with his fingers like some out of fashion gang sign; All In!

Buonanno instantly folded. Salter now has a sizable lead over his Italian opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Salter gb
Jack Salter
Antonio Buonanno it
Antonio Buonanno
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Antonio BuonannoJack Salter

Salter Stars to Gain a Lead

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Jack Salter
Jack Salter

Hand #196: Antonio Buonanno gets a walk.

Hand #197: Buonanno raised to 400,000 with {9-Hearts}{5-Hearts}. Jack Salter opted to just call with {A-Spades}{2-Spades}. The flop was {5-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}, Salter check-called a bet of 350,000 from the Italian.

The turn was the {K-Spades}, Salter checked and Buonanno bet 650,000. Salter called again before both players checked the {8-Clubs} river. Another pot for Buonanno.

Hand #198: Salter limped preflop with {Q-Hearts}{J-Hearts} and Buonanno raised to 500,000 with {K-Hearts}{Q-Spades}. Salter called. Buonanno fired another 500,000 on the {2-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{7-Spades} flop and Salter folded.

Hand #199: Buonanno raised to 400,000 with {10-Spades}{3-Spades} and Salter folded.

Hand #200: Salter raised to 415,000 preflop holding {10-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}, Buonanno made it 1,100,000 with {A-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} and won the pot.

Hand #201: Salter got a walk.

Hand #202: Salter raised to 450,000 with {A-Diamonds}{2-Spades}. Buonanno called with {4-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}. The flop was {Q-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{4-Spades}, Buonanno checked and Salter bet 365,000. The Italian check-raised to 900,000 and Salter made it 1.53 million. Buonanno folded.

Hand #203: Buonanno raised to 400,000 holding {10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and Salter made the call to see a {K-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{J-Hearts} flop. Salter checked and Buonanno continued with a 400,000 bet to win the pot.

Hand #204: Salter raised to 415,000 with {A-Diamonds}{5-Spades} and won the blinds.

More Small Pots

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante

Hand #185: With {A-Hearts}{K-Spades} on the button it was Salter opened for 450,000. Antonio Buonanno made the call with {Q-Diamonds}{10-Spades}.

The {7-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} on the flop missed both and they checked. The {3-Spades} fell on the turn and Buonanno checked again. Salter bet 235,000 and Buonanno folded.

Hand #186: Buonanno opened his button for 400,000 with {10-Clubs}{5-Clubs}. Salter folded.

Hand #187: Salter gave Buonanno a walk.

Hand #188: Buonanno made it 400,000 with {K-Clubs}{8-Hearts}. Salter had {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts} and three-bet to 955,000. Buonanno folded.

Hand #189: Salter gave Buonanno a walk for the second time in a row.

Hand #190: Buonanno min raised to 400,000 with {10-Clubs}{2-Hearts} and Salter called with {7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}.

{A-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} on the flop and Salter check-called a 350,000 bet. The {K-Clubs} on the turn made Salter check again. Buonanno bet 850,000 into 1,560,000 with absolutely nothing. Salter folded.

Hand #191: Salter had {A-Spades}{2-Diamonds} on the button and made it 415,000. Buonanno had {J-Spades}{10-Clubs} and called.

The {3-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} gave Salter a flush draw, though it was a very low one. Both players checked it. Salter hit his deuce high flush with the {4-Diamonds} on the turn. Both players checked again. The {6-Clubs} fell on the river and again both players checked. Salter won it with his small flush.

Hand #192: Buonanno opened for 400,000 with {7-Hearts}{5-Spades} and Salter called with {7-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. Both flopped a pair on {J-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{5-Clubs} and Salter checked. Buonanno bet 350,000 and Salter called.

{J-Spades} on the turn and Salter checked again. Buonanno bet out 650,000 into 1,560,000 and Salter made the call.

The {7-Spades} on the river gave both players "three pair" and they both checked. Chop pot!

Hand #193: Salter opened {J-Spades}{7-Hearts} on the button for 415,000 and Buonanno folded.

Hand #194: {5-Spades}{3-Hearts} for Buonanno and he made it 400,000. Salter with {Q-Clubs}{6-Hearts} three-bet to 1,030,000 and Buonanno folded.

Hand #195: Salter mucked his eight-three, walk for Buonanno.

Tags: Antonio BuonannoJack Salter