The 2012 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo? Casino EPT Grand Final

Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

The 2012 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo? Casino EPT Grand Final

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Hand #5: Lucille Cailly Eliminated in 2nd Place (�1,050,000)

Level 33 : 100,000/200,000, 30,000 ante
Lucille Cailly eliminated in 2nd place
Lucille Cailly eliminated in 2nd place

Lucille Cailly raised to 400,000 holding {A-Diamonds} {K-Clubs} and Mohsin Charania woke up with {Q-Hearts} {Q-Spades}! This heads-up is all over bar the shouting! Charania made it 860,000 to play and Cailly must be having kittens. After a few moments pause some words finally came out of the mouth of Cailly.

"Raise," said a super cool looking Cailly - and who wouldn't be!

She moved 2,055,000 across the line and Charania asked her how much she had behind. Cailly gave him a response and Mohsin went into thought mode; Cailly did not stop staring at him! Mohsin moved all-in and Cailly called instantly. Both players jumped to their feet but did stop to wish each other good luck. This is for the EPT Grand Final Championship! The flip of a lifetime and both players are seemingly praying!

Flop: {9-Clubs} {3-Hearts} {2-Clubs}

Cailly has missed the flop and Charania is almost there.

Turn {7-Spades}

Moshin cannot look! He is one card away He peeks...he hides..he peeks again. You can see that Cailly is begging inside. She is desperate for this.

River: {2-Hearts}

Cailly is crushed! She has locked up over a million euros and is devastated. That is how much this title meant to her. She was consoled ber her fans and friends as all of the emotion poured out. On the other side of the table Mohsin Charania has been engulfed by his rail - he has won �1,350,000 and the title of EPT Grand Final Champion.

Tags: Lucille CaillyMohsin Charania