Respect Your Helders

Well, that was a short spell at the top of the chip counts for Cristian Dragomir - he's now back down to 145,000 after doubling up Jason Helder.
We caught it on the turn of the board, with Dragomir betting out 28,400. On the button, Helder went all in for an additional 54,400. At this point a cameraman pushed right in front of us, completely blocking the view - but this was OK, as Dragomir tanked up for several minutes, easily enough time to manoeuvre ourselves into a different vantage point.
After a good five minutes, Dragomir suddenly piped up, "You good?" And just a second or two later he made the call.
Dragomir: for top pair and a flush draw
Helder: for a set
River: making Helder quads
The American online qualifier doubled to 220,000, not far off the chip lead.