A Chink in The Armour of Isildur?

For a very long time, in the virtual world of the internet, many of the worlds top poker players could not find a weakness in Team Pokerstars Pro Viktor Blom's game. We are not getting carried away just yet but Almira Skripchenko seems to be having more success than most. Earlier on in the tournament she called down three of his barrels with third pair and she has just taken another sizeable chunk out of the Swede in this hand.
There was a limper under-the-gun and Blom made the raise to 1,600 from the cut-off. Skripchenko three-bet from the small blind making it 4,200 to play and Blom called.
The flop was
and Skripchenko check-called a Blom bet of 3,000 before they both checked the turn which was
. The river was the
and Skripchenko fired out a bet of 8,600 and Blom folded.
Skripchenko is now up to 120,000 and Blom is languishing at the other end of the chip count with 33,000.