2009 PokerStars.com EPT Grand Final

�10,000 EPT Grand Final Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2009 PokerStars.com EPT Grand Final

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

So Much for Climber of the Day

Ah, Leo Fernandez. You couldn't run that good forever, we suppose.

Fernandez opened a pot from the small blind to 4,100. Lance Thomas Funston, in the big blind, reraised to 12,000. Fernandez bent down low over the felt, as if he were trying to see through or under Funston's cards. Funston obligingly moved his cards very close to Fernandez' face.

After a short spell, Fernandez moved all in, putting Funston to the test. "Oo la la," said Funston. "Every race you win." He closed his eyes and tilted his head back. Then he looked around at his tablemates and launched into a soliloquy worthy of Shakespeare.

"I want you all to know it's been a pleasure playing with you," Funston began. "It's very likely that this will be my last hand. I couldn't imagine playing with a better group of guys. How many of you think I should call?" There was some chuckling from the table -- and also a request for a clock. The clock request caused Funston to finally call.

Funston: {A-Spades} {K-Spades}
Fernandez: {A-Diamonds} {Q-Spades}
Board: {2-Spades} {7-Diamonds} {5-Diamonds} {K-Hearts} {K-Clubs}

When the stacks were counted down, Fernandez had Funston covered by 12,000 chips. That's what Fernandez has left now. Funston is up to 95,000.

Tags: Leo Fernandez