2008 PokerStars.net EPT Polish Open

PokerStars EPT Warsaw Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2008 PokerStars.net EPT Polish Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

All Square

Michael Schulze has just tied things up again after winning a nice-sized pot from his heads-up nemesis. On a board reading {3-Clubs}{8-Spades}{4-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}, Schulze passed the first action to Ricardo who opened with a 120,000 bet; Michael just called. The river brought the {10-Clubs}, completing a potential flush draw and Michael, first to act, open-shoved all in.

Ricardo then went into the tank, and it is important that we stress that when Ricardo goes into the tank, he dives deep... We're talking scuba gear, flippers, a full body wet suit; the works... When he eventually surfaced for air, he gave a short speech, suggesting that he thought Michael had hit his flush draw and finally laid down his hand.

Chip counts after the hand are as follows:

Michael Schulze: 1,850,000
Ricardo Sousa: 1,750,000

Tags: Michael SchulzeRicardo Sousa

Schulze The Aggressor

Michael Schulze
Michael Schulze
Michael Schulze has been slightly more aggressive than Ricardo Sousa so far in the heads-up battle. He has reclaimed 200,000 chips to bring him close to Ricardo. He has twice reraised Ricardo pre-flop to win. Ricardo has not yet reraised at all and has won only small pots.

Chip counts:

Ricardo: 1,950,000
Michael: 1,650,000

Tags: Michael SchulzeRicardo Sousa

"Rico Suave" Takes the Chip Lead

For the first time all day, Michael Schulze does not have the overall chip lead in the tournament. It's now owned by Ricardo "Rico Suave" Sousa, who just beat Schulze out of a big, big pot.

From the button, Michael opened with an 80,000 pre-flop raise and Sousa made the call. The flop came {Q-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{J-Clubs} and the action went check (Ricardo), bet 120,000 (Schulze), call (Ricardo).

The action stayed the same when the {10-Clubs} fell on the turn, only this time Schulze upped the ante to 200,000.

The river brought a jerkwater {5-Spades} which prompted both players to knuckle the felt and Sousa tabled the {Q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} which was good enough to take down the pot. After the hand, Sousa had approximately 2.2 million in chips to Schulze's 1.4 million.

Level: 26

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 0

Mathias Viberg Eliminated in 3rd Place ($315,375)

Mathias Viberg - 3rd Place Finisher
Mathias Viberg - 3rd Place Finisher
The very next hand after doubling up Ricardo, Mathias Viberg doubled up through Ricardo, his A-K beating Ricardo's 8-9. A few hands later, he made his last stand still very short-stacked. Michael Schulze had raised from the button and Mathias put his last chips in.

Mathias: {6-Clubs}{2-Hearts}
Michael: {4-Clubs}{4-Spades}

The flop gave both players something: {4-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}, bringing a set for Michael and a double belly-buster for Mathias. The turn and river were the {J-Clubs} and {Q-Hearts}, which means that Mathias is eliminated in third place winning ($315,375).

Tags: Mathias VibergMichael Schulze

Sousa Spikes a Straight; Cripples Viberg

Mathias Viberg opened pre-flop with a 110,000 raise and Ricardo Sousa made the call. The flop came {3-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} and Sousa passed the first action to Viberg, who led out with a 170,000 bet holding pocket jacks. Sousa, true to his consistently slow and deliberate routine, took his time before check-raising all in and Viberg made a quick call. Ricardo tabled the {J-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}, needing a queen, an eight, running tens or running diamonds to stay alive, and it only took one more card for him to get there, as the {Q-Diamonds} fell on the turn.

Mathias was left with just over 100,000 in chips after the hand, while Ricardo soared past the 1.4 million mark.

We're Back

The players have returned to their seats and the cards are back in the air. As far as we know, no deal has been reached and our three finalists plan to play it out.

Lots of Small Stuff

In the last three rounds of the table there have been no big pots. The biggest was when Mathias Viberg limped Michael Schulze's big blind and Michael made it 150,000 total. Mathias called and took the pot down with an 80,000 bet on a {J-Spades}{J-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} flop. Other than that, they have shared the honour of winning with a pre-flop raise or bet on the flop in a limped pot.