August 2019 Colorado Poker Championship

$1,100 Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

August 2019 Colorado Poker Championship

Event Info
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000

Geller Toasted; Wilkie Near 600K With Three Knockouts

Level 16 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Steve Wilkie
Steve Wilkie

After entering the day near the top of the chip counts, Greg Geller's seat has been vacated. Steve Wilkie was spotted with a mountain of chips and said that the damage was done over two hands.

The first hand of the two saw Wilkie call a raise from Geller with {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}. He check-called Geller's continuation-bet on an ace-high flop with one diamond. The turn brought a second diamond and he check-called a second barrel. The river brought a third diamond to give him the nut flush and he checked to Geller a one last time. Geller fired a third barrel for 60,000 and Wilkie clicked it back, putting in 120,000.

Geller went into the tank for what was said to be close to two minutes before calling and showing {a-}{k-}, which proved to be no good at showdown.

Geller then opened from the hijack and Wilkie defended his small blind. Wilkie then led out for 20,000 on the flop {a-}{a-}{8-} and Geller called, leaving himself around 80,000 behind. The turn came {6-} and Wilkie bet 60,000. Geller shoved and Wilkie called.

Greg Geller: {a-}{4-}
Steve Wilkie: {8-}{8-}

Gellers flopped trips were up against Wilkie's flopped full house. He was in need of improving to aces full to stay alive and got nothing but dust on the river, resulting in his elimination from the tournament.

WIlkie also added that he was the culprit of both Kevin Palmer and Chris Mueller's eliminations as well, making Geller his third bounty of the day, long before the first break has come.

Player Chips Progress
Steve Wilkie gb
Steve Wilkie
Greg Geller us
Greg Geller

Tags: Greg GellerSteve Wilkie