2024 Champions Club Winter Poker Open

$1,500 Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2024 Champions Club Winter Poker Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
600,000 / 1,200,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Jerry Yen Eliminated in 4th Place ($78,750)

Level 33 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Jerry Yen
Jerry Yen

Jerry Yen opened to 800,000 with K?Q? and was then three-bet to 1,500,000 by Tommy Zhang with A?Q?. Yen responded by clicking back to 3,000,000 and Zhang moved all in. Yen pushed the last of his remaining chips into the middle and the cards were on their backs.

Yen would need some help to catch up to Zhang's superior holding, but the runout of 8?4?J?3?7? failed to do so and he was sent to the payout desk in fourth place for $78,750.

Player Chips Progress
Tommy Zhang gb
Tommy Zhang
Jerry Yen us
Jerry Yen

Tags: Jerry YenTommy Zhang

Adam Hendrix Eliminated in 5th Place ($59,910)

Level 33 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Adam Hendrix
Adam Hendrix

Tommy Zhang opened to 1,000,000 from the button with A?10? and action folded to Adam Hendrix who moved all in for 4,700,000 with 7?7?.

After a few moments to think about it, Zhang made the call to put Hendrix at risk.

Unfortunately for Hendrix, the runout of J?8?J?2?8? was brutal as it double-paired the board, counterfeiting him to leave him with just seven-high while Zhang held ace-high. The pot was shipped over to Zhang while Hendrix made his way to the exit in fifth place for $59,910.

Player Chips Progress
Tommy Zhang gb
Tommy Zhang
Adam Hendrix us
Adam Hendrix
Day 1F Chip Leader

Tags: Adam HendrixTommy Zhang

Level: 33

Blinds: 200,000/400,000

Ante: 400,000

Esposito Doubles Through Champlin

Level 32 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Andrew Esposito
Andrew Esposito

Spencer Champlin opened to 600,000 with 9?10? and was then three-bet to 1,800,000 by Andrew Esposito with A?K?.

The action folded back around to Champlin who made the call and the two went heads-up to a flop of 7?4?8?.

Champlin checked to Esposito who continued for 1,300,000 but was then check-raised all-in by Champlin for 9,000,000, which sent him into the tank.

After a good amount of time deliberating, Esposito made the call to put himself at risk and the cards were tabled.

Esposito was in the lead with his ace-high, but still needed to fade a lot of outs to stay alive. Luckily for him, the turn came the A? to give him a big advantage and the river Q? bricked out to award him the massive double.

Player Chips Progress
Spencer Champlin us
Spencer Champlin
Andrew Esposito us
Andrew Esposito

Tags: Andrew EspositoSpencer Champlin

Champlin Gets Max Value from Zhang

Level 32 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Spencer Champlin
Spencer Champlin

Spencer Champlin opened to 600,000 from the button and Tommy Zhang defended from the big blind with J?4?.

The flop came out 10?5?4? and Zhang checked to Champlin who continued for 300,000, which Zhang called with his pair of fours.

On the turn K?, Champlin took the lead with his pair of kings and bet 1,400,000 after a check from Zhang. Zhang made the call again and the two saw the river fall the 6?.

Zhang checked once more and Champlin fired for 3,200,000 and Zhang went into the tank. After about a minute or so, Zhang slid out the chips to call but was then shown the bad news and the large pot was shipped over to Champlin.

Player Chips Progress
Spencer Champlin us
Spencer Champlin
Tommy Zhang gb
Tommy Zhang

Tags: Spencer ChamplinTommy Zhang

Cedrric Trevino Eliminated in 6th Place ($48,180)

Level 32 : 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Cedrric Trevino
Cedrric Trevino

Adam Hendrix opened to 750,000 from the cutoff with J?10? and then Cedrric Trevino moved all in from the big blind with K?Q? for 2,475,000.

Hendrix thought about it for a few seconds but ultimately made the call to put Trevino at risk.

Trevino was ahead to start and was in a good position to double in this flip, but the flop of J?4?4? gave Hendrix the lead with his jack. The 3? on the turn did not change anything, and the A? on the river sent Trevino to the rail in sixth place for $48,180.

Player Chips Progress
Adam Hendrix us
Adam Hendrix
Day 1F Chip Leader
Cedrric Trevino us
Cedrric Trevino

Level: 32

Blinds: 150,000/300,000

Ante: 300,000

Zhang on the Rise

Level 31 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Spencer Champlin opened from the button to 500,000 with K?9? and was called by Tommy Zhang in the big blind with A?4?.

The flop came out Q?A?8? and Zhang led out for 500,000 and was called by Champlin to see the 7? on the turn.

Zhang then decided to slow down and he checked to Champlin, who bet 1,700,000 and Zhang called.

On the river 4?, Zhang improved to two-pair and he checked once more, but Champlin quickly checked back. Zhang tabled his winning hand and the pot was pushed his way to increase his stack once again.

Player Chips Progress
Spencer Champlin us
Spencer Champlin
Tommy Zhang gb
Tommy Zhang

Tags: Spencer ChamplinTommy Zhang