Hand 154: Anthony Merulla raised to 1 million, and David Paredes called. The flop was , and Paredes check-called 1.3 million to see a turn of . Merulla's turn bet was 2.2 million after Paredes checked, and Paredes made the call once more. A fell on fifth street, and Paredes checked once more. Merulla fired 5.325 million, and this bet led to another call from Paredes.
Merulla rolled over to drag the huge pot with a flush.
Anthony Merulla Just Claimed a Big Pot By Pushing David Paredes Off His Hand
Hand 150: Merulla raised to 800,000 and Paredes flatted to take the flop. Paredes checked to Merulla, who fired out a bet of 700,000. Paredes was not impressed though, and he raised it up to 1.8 million, a move which forced the fold and earned the pot.
Hand 151: Merulla got a walk in the big
Hand 152: Merulla opened for 800,000 and Paredes called, with the flop coming . Merulla led for 700,000 and Paredes counted out a stack before folding his cards.
Hand 153: Paredes opened for 800,000 and Merulla took his time before three-betting to 2 million flat. Paredes obliged with the call and the two took a flop of . Merulla grabbed a handful of gold T100000 chips and slowly counted out a bet of 1.5 million and placed it forward, and Paredes only took a few seconds before calling the bet. The turn card came and Merulla reached for his stack to make a big 2.4 million wager. Paredes tanked for a bit before tossign his cards away, and a sizable pot was shipped to Merulla.
Hand 141: David Paredes raised to 800,000, and Anthony Merulla called. After two checks, Paredes bet 800,000 on the board and took the pot down.
Hand 142: Merulla raised to 800,000. Paredes three-bet to 2 million, and he won the pot.
Hand 143: Paredes limped, and Merulla made it 1.1 million from the big blind. Paredes made the call, and the watched the fall on the flop. Merulla checked, and Paredes bet 1.5 million. Merulla called, and a double-paired the board. After a Merulla check, Paredes slid 2.5 million into the middle. Merulla let his hand go.
Hand 144: Merulla min-raised the button to take down the pot.
Hand 145: Paredes took his turn to min-raise the button, and his opponent made the call. A raggedy flop hit the board: . Merulla came out betting with 750,000, and Paredes laid it down.
Hand 146: Merulla limped, and Paredes checked to see an flop. Four checks led to a and hitting the board. Paredes check-folded the river.
Hand 147: Paredes took the pot with a min-raise.
Hand 148: Merulla limped, and Paredes checked. The flop came , and both players checked. The led to another check, then Merulla bet 700,000 and took the pot.
Hand 149: Paredes raised to 800,000 and won the pot.
Hand 133: Merulla got a walk in the big blind when Paredes folded.
Hand 134: Merulla opened for 900,000 and Paredes flatted to see the flop fall . Both players tapped the table, and the turn came . Paredes checked to Merulla, who fired out a bet of 1 million. Paredes called and the river was the , which he checked. Merulla checked behind and Paredes showed for the winner.
Hand 135: Paredes folded and gave Merulla a walk.
Hand 136: Merulla opened for 800,000 and Paredes made it 2 million straight, forcing a quick retreat from Merulla.
Hand 137: Paredes opened for 800,000 and took down the antes and a big blind bet.
Hand 138: Merulla opened for 800,000, but folded when Paredes went for the three-bet.
Hand 139: Paredes limped in and Merulla checked his option, bringing a flop of to the table. Merulla led out for 600,000 and Paredes surrendered.
Hand 140: Paredes went for a walk in the big blind.