Hands #36-41: Calm After the Storm

Hand #36: Tony Gregg opened to 85,000 from under the gun and the rest of the table paid respect to the "End Boss" by folding around.
Hand #37: Curt Kohlberg decided he wanted the blinds and antes too, so he opened to 80,000 from the cutoff and stole some himself.
Hand #38: Byron Kaverman opened for an undetermined amount (a railbird who bypassed the strict security measures which are an open gate was asking about Daniel Negreanu, and thus we missed the bet). Either way, Kaverman dragged the blinds and antes his way without a fight.
Hand #39: Keven Stammen opened to 120,000 from the small blind, and Tony Dunst surrendered his big blind.
Hand #40 Ryan D'Angelo went for a walk in the big blind.
Hand #41: Abraham Korotki opened for 85,000 from under the gun, and next to act, Byron Kaverman three-bet to 215,000. Korotki flatted to see the flop, and he checked to the aggressor. Kaverman played that part well when he c-bet for 250,000, but a raise to 585,000 by Korotki scared him off the pot.