2010 Aussie Millions

Event 14: $1,100 No Limit Hold'em Teams Event
Day: 1
Event Info

2010 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Mel Judah & Mick Guttmann
30,520 AUD
Event Info
1,000 AUD

Michael Russell's Team Out

Michael Russell and his partner have been banished from the team's event in cruel circumstances.

Russell led out on a {k-?}{2-?}{2-?} flop and his opponent check-called. The turn was a {4-?} with the opponent check-raising all in. Russell called tabling {k-?}{q-?}.

"Ahh, you got me," said the opponent, as he turned over his {6-?}{6-?}.

Not quite, the {6-?} hit the river causing quite an uproar from the shock.

Unfortunately that ends the day for Russell and his team mate.