2011 PokerStars.net APPT Macau

Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2011 PokerStars.net APPT Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
3,772,000 HKD
Event Info
27,600 HKD
Prize Pool
15,552,600 HKD
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Suck Out Steicke

Randy Lew and David Steicke just got all their chips in preflop and it was looking like the PokerStars Team Online would be going home as he ran his {q-Spades}{q-Diamonds} into the {a-Clubs}{a-Diamonds} of Steicke.

Boom! {q-Hearts} on the flop and no help for Steicke.

Lew now has a healthy stack while Steicke is down to only a few big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Randy Lew us
Randy Lew
David Steicke au
David Steicke

Tags: David SteickeRandy Lew

Four to the Flop

Level 29 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Kai Yat Fam raised from under the gun to 100,000. He was called by Jeff Rossiter in the cutoff seat, Zuo Wang in the small blind and David Steicke in the big blind.

The four players took a {9-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} flop and the first two players checked. Fam bet 255,000 and Rossiter quickly folded. Wang gave it a moment of thought before folding and then Steicke quickly followed him into the muck.

Tags: Kai Yat FamZuo WangDavid SteickeJeff Rossiter

Nordstrom Staying Active

Level 29 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Daniel Nordstrom just got done raising three hands in a row. He opened each time to 100,000. On the first one, Jeff Rossiter three-bet to 240,000 from the big blind and Nordstrom folded. On the second and third, Nordstrom won the blinds and antes after everyone folded.

Tags: Daniel NordstromJeff Rossiter

Wang Gets Some Back

Zua Wang has just added some chips back to his stack. Wang opened the pot preflop and Jimmy Pan would pay to see the {10-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{k-Clubs} flop hit the felt.

On the flop, Pan check-called a bet of 155,000 from Wand and then {4-Hearts} would be dealt on the turn. Again Pan checked before Wang conitnued his aggression, this time with a bet of 400,000. Pan folded and Wang took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Zuo Wang cn
Zuo Wang

Tags: Zuo WangJimmy Pan

Wang Wasting Away Chips

Fabian Spiedelmann opened the action to 125,000 from the dealer button and Zuo Wang three-bet another 130,000 from the small blind. Spiedelmann called and the {a-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{4-Hearts} flop was dealt.

Wang checked on the flop and Spiedelmann bet 155,000. A call from Wang would see the {a-Hearts} hit the turn. Wang would again check and Spiedelmann fired out another 300,000. Wang tanked before letting it go, taking a small hit to his stack while Speidelmann is still holding a big chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Zuo Wang cn
Zuo Wang

Tags: Fabian SpiedelmannZuo Wang

Level: 29

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 5,000

Nordstrom Doubles Through Tan

Action folded to Daniel Nordstrom on the button. He raised all in for 570,000. In the big blind, Zheng Tai Tan made the call for roughly a quarter of his stack.

Nordstrom: {K-Hearts}{2-Clubs}
Tan: {Q-Spades}{J-Clubs}

The flop came down {K-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} and paired both players. Nordstrom still held the lead, now with a pair of kings to Tan's pair of jacks.

The {8-Diamonds} on the turn changed nothing before the {3-Diamonds} completed the board on the river. Nordstrom successfully won the hand and doubled through.

Player Chips Progress
Zheng Tai Tan
Zheng Tai Tan
Daniel Nordstrom
Daniel Nordstrom

Tags: Daniel NordstromZheng Tai Tan

Rossiter Rising the Ranks

Jeff Rossiter has just taken down a couple of hands here at the 2011 APPT Macau Main Event.

The first hand started when Kai Yat Fam opened the pot with a min-raise. Zheng Tai Tan called on the button and Rossiter also came along for the ride in the big blind.

The players all checked on a {10-Clubs}{q-Hearts}{2-Spades} flop and Rossiter would lead when the {4-Hearts} hit the turn. Fam's cards quickly went into the muck, while Tan made the call. The {2-Diamonds} on the river would see Rossiter again lead and he took down the pot when Tan let his hand go.

Rossiter took down another pot a few hands later when he four-bet Fabian Spiedelmann preflop. In that hand Rossiter opened the pot with a min-raise and Spiedelmann three-bet to 185,000. Rossiter quickly made it 230,000 more and Speidelmann let it go.

Player Chips Progress
Jeff Rossiter au
Jeff Rossiter

Big Flop Action Between the Blinds

Zheng Tai Tan
Zheng Tai Tan

From the small blind, Jimmy Pan raised to 105,000 after action folded to him. In the big blind was Zheng Tai Tan and he made the call to bring the two players to the flop.

The flop came down paired with the {7-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{3-Clubs} falling. Pan continuation bet for 140,000, which was met with a raise to 370,000 from Tan. After a minute, Pan reraised. He made it a hefty 665,000. Tan tanked for a minute or two before eventually reraising all in for 1.495 million. Pan quickly gave it up and Tan won the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Zheng Tai Tan
Zheng Tai Tan
Jimmy Pan
Jimmy Pan

Tags: Jimmy PanZheng Tai Tan

Spiedelmann Speedily Gains Lead

Fabian Spiedelmann
Fabian Spiedelmann

A massive hand has just played at the final table and it only took a short while for it to happen. Just as quickly as Kai Yat Fam gathered his monster chip-stack, he has let a large portion of those chips go, as Fabian Spiedelmann becomes the dominant chipleader.

Spiedelmann opened the pot from the hijack and Zou Wang called before Fam raised it another 250,000 in the small blind. At this point Spiedelmann re-raised another 320,000 and Wang got out of the way. This is when Fam moved all in. Spiedelmann didn't need much time to think as he snapped the bet off and tabled {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}.

Fam would need some help if he was going to take it down holding {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds} and when the board birkced out it was help which would never come as Fam took the huge dent to his stack. We have new chipleader!

Player Chips Progress
Fabian Spielmann de
Fabian Spielmann
Kai Yat Fam
Kai Yat Fam