A really strange hand just took place, and it led to a double up for Vanessa Rousso. Martin Rowe limped in on the button, prompting Rousso to announce she was all in. Rowe quickly said, "Call," then seemed to suddenly blink and shake his head. WIth an exasperated sigh, he turned over his hand and metnioned that he had some brain freeze. Based on his hand, he probably had meant to fold, but it was too late. He was attempting, for the second time, to knock Rousso out.
Rousso showed . She hit top pair and a flush draw on the , leaving Rowe drawing at three queens. The turn and the river didn't hit him.
There was further confusion in the hand as the dealer counting down Rousso's stack. She was sure that the dealer counted down 37,600, but wound up with only 68,600 after the pot was pushed. Eventually it was sorted out with Rowe shipping a few extra chips to Rousso. She now has 75,200.