2012 PokerStars.net ANZPT Season 5 Melbourne

Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2012 PokerStars.net ANZPT Season 5 Melbourne

Final Results
Winning Hand
101,275 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Prize Pool
690,000 AUD
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Warner and Hockin Flip Again

Ashley Warner was all in for 1,225,000, and Paul Hockin took another shot at knocking him out. This would be the third time these two players ended up being all in pre flop.

Ashley Warner{A-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}
Paul Hockin{7-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}

The board ran out {9-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}, and Warner doubled up once again. Hockin is now down to just 10 big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Ashley Warner au
Ashley Warner
Paul Hockin nz
Paul Hockin

Tags: Paul HockinAshley Warner

Level: 25

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 5,000

Warner Now The Short Stack

Paul Hockin raised to 65,000 from the button after which Ashley Warner three-bet from the big blind. He made it 130,000 to go, and Hockin four-bet to 290,000. Warner put his opponent all in, and Warner called.

Paul Hockin{A-Spades}{K-Hearts}
Ashley Warner{8-Clubs}{8-Hearts}

The board ran out {6-Spades}{9-Spades}{6-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}{K-Spades}, and Hockin doubled up. Warner is now the short stack after having had the chip lead from 15 players up until he just doubled up Michael Guzzardi.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Hockin nz
Paul Hockin
Ashley Warner au
Ashley Warner

Tags: Ashley WarnerPaul Hockin


Level 24 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante

After a short break play will resume with three players. One of which is very short.

While you wait, if you haven't been lucky enough to join us in the Crown Poker Room today, then here is a visual of how the final table looked just four hours ago:

Huge Double Up Gives Guzzardi A Commanding Lead

On the very first hand after the deal was made there was a massive clash between Ashley Warner and Michael Guzzardi. There was a dead small blind in this hand which we caught from the turn.

The board read {4-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}{3-Spades} and Guzzardi checked to Warner who bet 135,000. Guzzardi check-raised to 400,000 and Warner made the call.

On the river the {10-Spades} hit and Guzzardi moved all in for right around 1.5 million. Warner called.

Guzzardi turned over {A-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} and won the pot with a straight.

"What did I make that deal for?" Guzzardi laughed as he's now the overwhelming chip leader.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Guzzardi us
Michael Guzzardi
Ashley Warner au
Ashley Warner

Tags: Ashley WarnerMichael Guzzardi

A Deal is Done

Level 24 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante
NameChip CountDeal Amount
Ashley Warner3,460,000A$123,000
Michael Guzzardi2,070,000A$112,000
Paul Hockin1,150,000A$88,000

The ANZPT player of the year points have also been chopped up. Every player will receive third-place points. The runner up finisher will receive an extra A$7,000 and the winner will add A$13,275 to his already big payout!

Play on!

Tags: Ashley WarnerMichael GuzzardiPaul Hockin

Michael Lo Giudice Eliminated in 4th Place (A$47,610)

Michael Lo Giudice
Michael Lo Giudice

Michael Lo Giudice has just been eliminated reducing the field down to three players. After a raise to 60,000 from Michael Lo Giudice all three players made the call creating a family pot.

The flop brought out {J-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and all four players checked.

On the turn the {8-Hearts} hit and Lo Giudice bet 115,000. Ashley Warner was his only caller.

The river brought the {J-Clubs} and Lo Giudice moved all in for right around 400,000 chips. Warner snap-called and announced he had a straight flush! Lo Giudice showed his {K-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}, but that was no good against Warner's {A-Spades}{10-Hearts}.

We are down to three players who are now on a short break.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Lo Giudice
Michael Lo Giudice

Tags: Ashley WarnerMichael Lo Guidice