The Ultimate WSOP Bundle From Jonathan Little

I have just released a MASSIVE bundle called The Ultimate WSOP Bundle.
The Ultimate WSOP Bundle contains 40+ HOURS of coaching sessions, hand history reviews and training! And right now, you can get it at 87% off!

This bundle includes my BRAND NEW course, WSOP Preparation Sessions!

In this new 13+ HOUR course, I coach a small stakes player, Bla?, to prepare for his first WSOP. I reviewed several hand histories for Bla?, including his third-place finish in the $5,300 partypoker MILLIONS in November where he won $1,364,688!
The Ultimate WSOP Bundle also includes my WSOP Coaching Videos.

This 10+ HOUR course contains:
- Lesson �� Deep Stacked Play
- Lesson �� Short Stacked Play
- Lesson �� Tips for Success
- 3 student Q&A webinars
- 4 student hand history reviews
- Private group coaching session
Also included in The Ultimate WSOP Bundle is my Complete Guide to Single Table Satellites.

In this NEW course, I discuss:
- Why Not Multi-Table Satellites?
- Buy-in Options
- Buy-in Process
- Last Longer Bets
- Heads-Up Last Longer Bets
- Satellite Structures
- Making Deals
- The Best Time to Play
The Ultimate WSOP Bundle also includes a seminar I taught during the 2017 WSOP called Chipping Up without Risking Going Broke.

In this live seminar, I discussed:
- Being Patient is NOT a Winning Strategy
- Steal Pots that Don't Belong to You
- Starting Hands Early/Middle/Late Position
- When Someone 3-bets
- When Someone Raises in Front of You
- 3-betting Range �C Linear & Polarized
- Picking up Pots on the Flop
- Picking up Pots on the Turn
- River Play
The Ultimate WSOP Bundle also includes the recording of another LIVE lesson I taught during the 2017 WSOP. It's called Building a Big Stack Deep in a Tournament.

In this live seminar, I discussed:
- Being Patient is NOT a Winning Strategy
- Figure Out Your Opponents' Tendencies
- Against Tight, Straightforward Players
- Against Loose, Aggressive Players
- Abusing the Bubble Preflop
- Abusing the Bubble Postflop
- Be Aware of Other "Bubbles"
The Ultimate WSOP Bundle also includes another LIVE seminar I taught. It's called WSOP Main Event Prep.

In this live seminar, I discussed:
- Deep-Stacked Play
- Short-Stacked Play
- Numerous Hand Examples
- How to Play These Hands vs. Various Opponents
The Ultimate WSOP Bundle also includes a LIVE seminar that poker mindset coach Elliot Roe taught. It's appropriately called Poker Mindset.

In this live seminar, Elliot Roe discussed:
- Learn from Mindset Coach Elliot Roe
- Improve Your Focus
- Play Your "A" Game
- Reduce Tilt
The Ultimate WSOP Bundle also includes my 2013 WSOP Main Event Review.

This 4+ HOUR course includes:
- Hands from my 2013 WSOP Main Event.
- Hands from my 2013 $5,000 6-handed event where I took third-place and cashed for $238,833.
The Ultimate WSOP Bundle also includes my 2014 WSOP Main Event Review.

In this 3+ HOUR course, I review 50 hands from my 2014 WSOP Main Event where I finished in 490th place and cashed for $22,678.
Last but not least, this bundle also includes my 2015 WSOP Review.

In this 2+ HOUR course, I review 25 hands from my 2015 WSOP. Each hand demonstrates an important concept you must master to succeed at tournaments.

Normally, The Ultimate WSOP Bundle costs $799... but if you use Coupon Code WSOP, you can get it for just $99!

~Jonathan Little
P.S. Did you miss the free WSOP webinar I gave recently? If so, I posted the REPLAY on my YouTube channel!
Jonathan Little is a professional poker player and author with over $6,800,000 in live tournament earnings. He writes a weekly educational blog and hosts a podcast at Sign up to learn poker from Jonathan for free at You can follow him on Twitter @JonathanLittle.