Stepuchin's Splashing Makes for Lots of Action on 'Poker After Dark'

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Exit anti-hero Dan Bilzerian on "Poker After Dark" as it was time to move on to "Watch Your Step" featuring WPT champ Frank Stepuchin on PokerGO.
Stepuchin's action-inducing ways helped create some big pots in the $50/$100 game, but he wasn't the only force helping the game trend that way. The players also agreed on a $200 per head seven-deuce bounty, and boy did it play a role as nearly everyone at the table took their chances playing the rags one way or another. It worked better for some than others, as you'll see.
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First Hand Fireworks
On the first hand shown �� and apparently the first dealt as well, according to the commentary �� investor Ilyas Abayev limped with A?9?, Alex Ding made it $400 with J?J?, Stepuchin called with 7?2? in the small blind and big blind Marle Cordeiro came along with a hand that contained the Q?. They were playing with a $200 per player bounty on winning with seven-deuce.
On the J?7?7? flop, action checked to Ding and he bet $400 again. Only Stepuchin continued, calling another $1,500 on the K?. He came out betting on the Q? river with $3,200. Ding shoved all in for $7,700 and Stepuchin quickly called with the second-best hand.
Ship the $20,900 to Ding.
Roller Coaster Hand Plays Out Perfectly for Stepuchin
Stepuchin picked up the Q?Q? under the gun and made it $300. Cordeiro called with K?J? on his left, as did big blind Ronnie Bardah in the big blind with A?J?.
Everyone liked the J?7?5? flop and Stepuchin's $500 c-bet was met with a call by Cordeiro and a raise to $1,900 by Bardah. Both of his opponents continued to the J? turn. Bardah bet on the small side with $2,800. Stepuchin called. Cordeiro thought a bit and called as well.
"Were these decks set up?" Bardah wondered.
"How many jacks are in the deck?" someone else asked.
The river: Q?. Bardah moved in for his last $4,900, Stepuchin reshoved and Cordeiro found the fold. It was a $24,950 pot to Stepuchin.

Another Cooler for Ding
Stepuchin raised to $300 second to act with 10?8? and got action from Cordeiro on his left with 7?2? and Ding in the big blind with J?9?.
Stepuchin flopped the best of it on 5?7?10? and bet $300, with everyone continuing to the 8? turn. Ding checked, Stepuchin bet $1,100, Cordeiro folded and Ding made it a check-raise to $3,000. Stepuchin peeled to the river, which came a 4?.
Ding potted it for $8,000. Stepuchin couldn't find the fold and Ding collected a $23,950 pot.
All in for Stacks Preflop
With a straddle to $500 on, Cordeiro made it $1,600 first to act with J?J?. Alan Richardson called with 7?2? in the next seat, and Bardah moved all in from the big blind with A?K?. Cordeiro quickly called for less and Richardson got out of the way.
With $14,850 in the pot, they agreed to run twice.
Bardah paired up right away on 7?6?K?. He held up on the 3? turn but got some unfortunate overkill on the A?, killing one of his outs to get a scoop. Cordeiro got a friendlier board of 8?9?9?5?5? the second time to they each scooped in a bit of profit thanks to the dead money in the pot.
Cold Four-Betting the Worst Hand
Cordeiro opened under the gun for $300 with 5?4?, Richardson called with K?Q? and Abayev raised to $600 with J?9?. On the button, Ding woke up to 7?2? but decided that was a good spot to cold four-bet it to $1,700.
Everyone folded back to Ding, who showed his rags with a grin. Everyone tossed over $200 with a groan.
Remember, Poker After Dark will air every Monday but is only available to PokerGO subscribers. If you��re not currently subscribed, you can get a monthly subscription for $14.99, a three-month plan for $29.99, and an annual subscription for $99.99. You can also save $10 off an annual subscription by using promo code ��PokerNews�� at checkout.
Photos courtesy of PokerGO.