Off the Felt: Throwing Money in Las Vegas

The World Series of Poker is almost over, but our poker players are still enjoying Vegas. Pete Manzinelli went ahead and started throwing some money, Brian Twitty preferred to invest his Main Event payout in food, and Gus Hansen decided to go out... surprise, surprise.
So, without further ado, let's see what's been up this week!
Gus kept his mind occupied after busting the Main Event.
And Brian Twitty celebrated his deep run.
Real picture of Pete taking a shower.
Where's Monia?
So cool, Stacy!
Cute, very cute.
Late night Thai food? Sounds like a nice plan.
You're the real winner, Liv.
Oh, that sky!
Well, what an awesome workout.
Juan Carlos is also getting ready for a fight.
Sons of Anarchy?
Who did it better, Ashley...
Or #BabyMercier?