Another Canadian Tops the Field After Day 1c of Summer Slam 2018 Main Event

Day 1c of the Summer Slam 2018 Main Event saw the $200,000 guarantee left in the dust as 269 entries piled up over the course of 15 levels. Another Canadian sits atop the counts as Jeff Thibideau leads just 60 survivors into Day 2.
Thibideau bagged 475,500 to capture the Day 1c chip lead. Steve Rumery (317,000), Adam Cacciotti (306,000), Joe Latona (258,000), Chris Damick (255,500), Summer Slam 2017 Main Event runner-up Kristan Mackiewicz (254,500) round out the largest stacks in the room.
Damick was the beneficiary of a wild hand during the final level. Things escalated pretty quickly on the flop of a 5?7?J? board. Damick and David Battaglia checked to see a third player in the hand bet 15,000. Damick raised all in for about 70,000 which Battaglia called. The third player in the hand then snap-shoved thinking Battaglia was all in as well and exposed his hand, which turned out to be the 7?7?.
Reactions at the table were mixed as some believed Battaglia saw the hand while others didn't get to see due to the hand being flipped back over so quick. In any case, Battaglia tanked for a few moments before making the call and putting himself at risk. Damick tabled the K?J? for just top pair while Battaglia revealed the 5?5? for bottom set. The table went wild as the K? hit the turn giving Damick outs to a full house. Sure enough, the K? peeled off on the river and Damick tripled up.
Day 1c saw the final bullets fired for the likes of Scott Murawa, Maria Parlatore, Jason Nablo, Mark Roberts, Jason James, Jordan Lagano, Mike Rellinger, and Marcy Jo Phillips. Unfortunately for the group, they couldn't hit the target and will not be returning for Day 2.
Registration closed on Day 1c with a total attendance of 269 entries bringing the overall total to 532. The $200,000 guarantee has been shattered with $283,823 up for grabs in the prize pool.
The players will return for action at 11 a.m. Sunday morning. Day 2 kicks off at Level 16 with blinds at 2,000/4,000 and a 500 ante. Play will continue until the last card comes off the deck and the Seneca Niagara poker room's latest main event winner is crowned. Stay tuned to the blog as PokerNews will be on the floor providing live coverage throughout the day.