Tom Haney Wins the Latest DTD200 Event

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Tom Haney: DTD200 Champion

Tom Haney, a rising star in the poker world, added to his glowing reputation by taking down the ��100,000 guaranteed DTD200 event at Dusk Till Dawn, Nottingham this weekend.

Official Final Table Results

1Tom Haney��20,550
2Malcolm Gorse��12,250
3Alan Armitage��8,300
4Anthony Kennedy��6,350
5Robert Baker��5,100
7Chi Ken Yau��3,400
8Thuy Vu Nguyen��2,900
9Guy Leathley��2,500

Prizes include a ��550 ticket

Haney, a regular at Dusk Till Dawn, finished second in the DTD200 event on Feb. 11 and banked ��12,500. Now he can boast of a ��20,550 score after triumphing in the latest edition of the UK��s newest regular tournament.

Feb. 26 saw 135 players return to Dusk Till Dawn and only 53 of those were paid. The talented Ben Vinson was the unfortunate soul who burst the money bubble, leaving Milan Harper, James Clarke, Tom High, Tim Slater, Andrew King, World Series of Poker bracelet winner Lawrence Gosney, Dave Quince, and Guy Taylor to secure a payout.

Once the final table was reached, the minimum any of the nine finalists would receive was ��2,500, which is the sum Guy Leathley walked away with when he pushed his pocket kings into the black aces of Malcolm Gorse.

Next to fall was Thuy Vu Nguyen who committed his short stack with king-seven of diamonds and lost to the pocket eights of Haney. Haney sent Chi Ken Yau to the rail when his ace-king prevailed against the dominated ace-jack.

Haney then sent an anonymous player to the sidelines when his ace-king improved to a straight by the river to beat a pair of red fours. Then Haney saw his stack swell even more when his ace-eight stayed best against the king-ten of diamonds of Robert Baker to leave only four players in the tournament.

Four became three when Anthony Kennedy��s fives didn��t beat the eights in the hand of Gorse, then Gorse sent the tournament into the heads-up stage when he sent Alan Armitage to the rail.

Armitage moved all in on the button with what turned out to be queen-jack, Haney reshoved to isolate with black fives only to see Gorse wake up with a pair of aces for an easy call. Gorse flopped a full house and won a massive pot.

Haney trailed Gorse by 5,800,000 to 8,670,000 chips but Haney would have the last laugh. After more than an hour of heads-up play, Gorse found himself all in with K?6? against Haney��s Q?4?. A final board reading 4?8?2?7?2? was no help to Gorse as it gifted Haney all of the chips in play and the ��20,550 first-place prize.

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