Calling the Clock with Jessica Dawley Sponsored by KO Watches

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PokerNews�� Sarah Herring called the clock on Jessica Dawley, giving her two minutes to answer as many questions as she can. This week's segment comes from a previous interview with Dawley on the PokerNews Podcast.
Whose closet would you most want to raid?
Jennifer Tilly.
Who is your best friend in poker?
I can��t answer that. Skip.
Surfing or skiing?
Musical guilty pleasure?
Ugh, rap.
If you could get free coaching from anyone in poker, who would you choose?
Uh, Phil Ivey.
What is one pre-travel ritual?
Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling?
Oh, Reynolds, let��s go.
What��s the most offensive thing anyone has ever asked you?
��What cosmetic surgery have I had done?�� probably.
What��s your favorite hashtag?
If you had a time machine and you had to go back in time, what year would you start at?
Hmm, 2001.
What��s your best physical feature?
My smile.
Have you had plastic surgery? Just kidding. I made that one up.
I don��t think so. I don��t think I have.
What��s your best personality trait?
Sense of humor, maybe.
One thing you can��t live without?
Twitter or Instagram?
One post you regret?
The one from this summer.
I don��t know what you��re talking about.
Yeah, let��s not bring it up.
Least favorite overused poker phrase or term?
I don��t know. I can��t think of one!
So you have to answer this then. What��s your go-to karaoke song?
Sold (by John Michael Montgomery)
And you have to sing it a little bit so we know what you��re talking about.
Yeah, I bet. I have the worst voice ever. I hate you.
That��s why you have to pick the right song.
It��s not because it��s because I have a good song, it��s because I know all the words and I can sing it fast.
Go ahead.
"Hey pretty lady! Won't you gimme a sign?
I'd give anything to make you mine, all mine,
I'll do your biddin' and be at your beck and call."
You know that song?
My Kentucky girl, look at you!
That song is a country song so that��s how it sounds.
It��s so perfect for you and that was amazing. If we were drunk at a karaoke bar, girl, I would be dancing, getting it going, so I say we just mark that one on the calendar for the next time we see each other.
For sure.
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