Staking in Poker Can Sometimes Get Sticky and Tackles the Issue

If you've been around poker for even a short period of time, you've certainly heard of the term "staking." Since the swings one can experience playing poker can be volatile, many players engage in the practice of selling pieces of their action to friends, family, or even total outsiders in exchange for a piece of the winnings (if there are any). Jason Mercier gave PokerNews an in-depth look at the world staking back in 2012.
This week, Motherboard, one of many channels, examined the world of staking in poker in an article penned by Cameron Tung.
The article touches on Brian Rast, and how his recent WSOP $50,000 Poker Players Championship was partially funded by backers via It also explains why some players get into staking simply for the thrill of having some skin in the game, and even how a player allegedly blew all of his crowdfunded $111,111 One Drop High Roller buy-in the night before the tournament and more. One of the more compelling lines from Tung stated: "All of the poker pros I spoke to estimated that most people who had ever backed a player lost money as a result."
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