Chris Moorman Less Than $55,000 Away from $10 Million in Lifetime Online Earnings

Last week, PokerNews informed the poker world just how close Chris "Moorman1" Moorman was to reaching the unprecedented achievement of $10 million in lifetime online tournament winnings. Just two days after originally reported, Moorman had moved from $92,719 away to $77,000 away.
Following a handful of additional in-the-money finishes this weekend, Moorman is now just $52,594 away from this immensely impressive accomplishment.
Between Saturday and Sunday, Moorman cashed another 16 times on the virtual felt. All but one of those cashes was on PokerStars, with the largest being a a final table result from the PokerStars Sunday 500. In that event, Moorman took eighth place for $9,925.50. He also recorded a 26th-place finish in Event #45's second chance $1,050 no-limit hold'em of the 2013 World Championship of Online Poker. Moorman earned $3,313 for that result.
"Hopefully I hit the goal while I'm still in Mexico (here till next Thursday)," Moorman told PokerNews on Monday. "My good friend Paul Foltyn just got into town, and I would love an excuse to celebrate!"
Taking a more specific look at Moorman's results, lists him with $4,776,866 in earnings from PokerStars and $3,419,072 in earnings from Full Tilt Poker. Those are by far the two largest chunks, representing 48.02% and 34.37% of his total online tournament earnings, respectively. The site Moorman cashes on the third most is PartyPoker, where he has $532,644. That makes up 5.35% of his total.
"Obviously I would love to reach the $10 million [mark] in style by winning a WCOOP," Moorman added. "Hopefully I can break the barrier by the end of the series. With so many big tournaments still to come in the last week, I think there is a good possibility I can get it done soon."
The action on the online tables doesn't stop, so be sure to stay tuned to PokerNews for continued updates on Moorman's record-setting quest. At any moment, this stunning accomplishment could be achieved.
Be sure to follow Moorman on Twitter and on Facebook.
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