Friday Special

When: Every Friday (10:00 PM EST).
Game: Limit Hold'em.
To Enter:
Friday Special Qualifier Multi-Table Tournament $9 + $1.
Friday Special Qualifier Single Table Tournament $24 + $2.
Direct buy-in = $200 + $15.
Winners of "Friday Special Qualifier" will be registered automatically for the Friday Special Tournament to be held on the following Friday.
Entries into the Friday Special $200 +$15 Tournament cannot be carried forward to the next week.
Players can win multiple entries to the Friday Special $200 +$15 Tournament. Players with multiple entries into the Friday Special $200 +$15 Tournament will have to play one entry and any extra entry above this will be refunded.
Players with only one entry to the Friday Special $200 +$15 Tournament will not be refunded any amount.
Winners of Friday Special Qualifiers finishing after close of registration of the Friday Special Tournament in that week will be registered for the Friday Special in the subsequent week.
The Prize Pool will be paid out as per our standard Tournament payout structure. <a href="""">Click here</a> for more details on our standard tournament payout structure.
<a href="""">Click here</a> for more details about Friday Special