Winning 7-Card Stud: Transforming Home Poker Chumps into Casino Killers
Author: Ashley Adams
Year: Nov 2003
Print house: Lyle Stuart
Winning 7-card Stud is really two books in one.The first part, Chapters One and Two, take a complete novice or very inexperienced player and shows him or her, incrementally, how to become a winning player against the typically poor players he's liable to face at the low stakes 7-card stud tables �� the $1-3, $1-5, $2/4, 3/6, and $5/10 games he's liable to find in a casino, on line, or home game. The second part of the book show the intermediate player how to improve his game so he can beat the better players he might run across in those lower stakes games �� and the better players he'll surely run across in the $10/20 and higher games.
Winning teaches the player how to evaluate his or her hand on each round of betting, starting with the first three cards, and moving them through each stage of the betting. Winning lets the player know, mechanically at first, what hands to throw away, what cards to play, and how to play the hands he plays. The book then moves on to more advanced concepts like bluffing, semi-bluffing, reading other players, game selection, and money management.
Ashley Adams, who writes the blog House of Cards, also authored the book Winning No-Limit Hold 'Em.